Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Wow, I totally slacked on the blog the past couple of days! I meant to do a weekend recap yesterday but obviously that didn't happen. I will do that tomorrow...but for now it's time to confess!

- I pretty much did nothing but sleep and read on Monday. Like, no productivity whatsoever, and I'm not even a little bit sorry.

- I had a doctor's appointment yesterday so I took the day off work, which made for a really long weekend. Which was awesome except that now I really don't want to be here. You would think after 4 days off I would be like, yeah, let's work! But while I know I would be bored at home, I don't want to be here either.

- I have always had a phobia of going to the doctor, even just for a check-up which is all yesterday was, and it really hasn't gotten better as I've gotten older. So I've carried on the tradition my parents started of getting myself a "treat" when I'm done. Yesterday was a Cinnamon crunch bagel and Hazelnut cream cheese from Panera. I'm an adult.

- I ate HORRIBLY this weekend. Like, really bad. I think I might have had a vegetable once. But that's what weekend getaways are all about, right??

That's all I got today! Linking up with these lovelies!

The Hump Day Blog Hop



  1. I'm going to adopt your treat after a doctor's visit - especially after the dentist!! Hope you have a great Wednesday!

  2. oh my gosh, i totally ate so bad on the weekend, i think i gained 10lbs. im with you though, time off just makes me want more time off, not to go back to work. boo!

  3. sometimes you just need a day of no productivity! you go lady, and enjoy it!

    btw, I also give myself a treat after the doctors too. :)

  4. Yes!!!! Why doesn't that fake food with preservatives have us living forever?!?!?!

    Cin Crunch bagels?!?!? Those are my favorites!!!!!!!!! I haven't had one in forever! I totally get myself a frapucino every time I have to have my blood drawn at my doctors office. Or a shot from them. Or if I go to the dentist. Ok fine, I am a huge freaking baby. OK!!!!

    The longer I have off, the worse it is when I go back! I swear!

  5. Luckily, I have a three day work week too- I am off Friday for a charity walk so it made easing back into things slightly easier!

  6. Dude. Cinnamon crunch bagels are the tiiiitsss! SO GOOD!!!! Your Monday sounds a lot like mine did... heaven! :)

  7. Vacations ( or long weekends) are all about eating bad, don't even think about it ;) And Cin Crunch bagels...what?! I need one!

  8. I LOVE the hazelnut cream cheese from Panera! So yummy! What a great reward.
    Stoppin' by from the linkup and you have a great name ;)

  9. I had to have a procedure that required multiple follow ups a few years ago - I definitely gave myself a treat after each of those appointments too! Gives you something nice to look forward to. :)

  10. Not doing anything on Labor Day is exactly what I did LOL. Also don't be hard on yourself on eating bad, sometimes it's needed to feel sane and then go back to eating right during the week.

    Thanks for linkin' up!


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