Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Listening to the Maroon 5 Pandora station on the way home from work every day. It makes the ridiculous amount of traffic not quite so miserable. Party in my car, woooo!

Eating my new favorite at-work snack, Nature Valley Granola Thins. So good, only 80 calories, and just the right amount to keep my stomach from making awful growly noises in meetings. Because that's not embarrassing at all, trust me.

Drinking coffee of course.

Wearing pretty much the most comfortable clothes I can wear to work without wearing pajamas. Some days I want to dress up and feel all girly and cute with heels and the whole 9, and some days I just don't care. Today would be one of those days.

Feeling pretty proud of my hubby and me for (mostly) sticking to our budget this past couple of months. We're still not perfect, but it's SO much better than it used to be, I mean a vast improvement.

Wanting a pumpkin latte from Dunkin Donuts. Doesn't this just look divine? And I have a coupon!

Needing to finalize our plans and budget for DISNEY in two weeks!

Thinking of all the blog post ideas I have that I just haven't had a chance to write yet.

Enjoying not having an insanely busy morning like I did yesterday. It's nice to get to work and be able to slowly ease into things since I still feel like I'm half asleep when I get here. Have I mentioned I'm NOT a morning person?

Planning to go to Old Navy on my lunch break to try on some cute stuff I have been eyeing on their website. They're having an online only sale today with 30% off and free two day shipping! But I want to try stuff on and make sure I like how it fits before I order it.

Happy Not Monday everyone!


  1. WOOHOO! Way to rock it out budgeting!!

    I'm so with you. Some days I like feeling cute and girlie but most of the time it's all about comfort!

  2. I'm not usually a fan of Nature Valley but those bars look really good!! A disney trip in a few weeks - that will be so fun! Can't wait to see what you scored at Old Navy!

  3. Those little nature valley guys are sooo good! Pumpkin spice looks pretty delightful as well. I'm hungry now after stopping by here!

  4. I have had those Nature Valley things and I love them! So good!

    I haven't been to Old Navy lately. They have been striking out bad with me this year, but maybe if they got some new stuff in I should take a looksie!

    I want to go to Disney!!!!!!!! TAKE ME TAKE ME!

  5. I've heard the Dunkin pumpkin blows Starbucks out of the water... I need to try it too!

  6. mmmm those granola thins = yum! perfect 330pm snack! yay disney-how exciting!!

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