Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Confessions: Christmas Edition

>> I just ordered Adam's Christmas presents on Amazon last night (Don't worry, we have Prime- free 2 day shipping has saved us more than once). However in my defense we really hadn't decided for sure to do gifts for each other until a few days ago. Ok, maybe that's not much of a defense. We can be pretty indecisive.

It's just that we were going to try be all adult and put the money towards buying a grill because ours is literally falling apart and then I was like, "But that's SO boring and presents on Christmas morning tho!!!" Hi, I'm five. 

>> Eating of Christmas treats and junk food is out of control you guys. And the worst part is I don't see it improving for another couple of weeks. I mean, it's like I see food and I'm all "Food! Let's eat it!" I have zero willpower right now, and I don't really care. Isn't this what leggings and baggy sweaters and tunics are for?

>> In related news I've already had the Peppermint Chocolate Chip shake from Chick-Fil-A twice, and Dairy Queen has a similar one and I really feel like I need to have one to compare the two. For research and science. 

(Non Christmas related- does anyone else spend way too much time looking for memes to go with your posts?? I swear I could write a post in one third the time if I wasn't looking for memes or gifs)

>> I volunteered to help with the raffle and trivia game at the Holiday Luncheon at work and then found out the raffle prizes were AmEx gift cards and I was ineligible to win since I had seen the trivia questions. I mean, I really was happy to help, but AmEx gift cards!!

>> I am extremely paranoid about leaving our Christmas tree lights on at night or when we leave the house, even if it's only for half an hour. And even though we have an artificial tree which makes the risk of it catching on fire pretty low. But I saw this video on Facebook where a (real) tree went up in flames and spread to the entire room in under a minute, and that just made this nervous nellie even more neurotic. It's almost as bad as that moment I realize I don't remember if I unplugged my straight iron or not. 

>> Some of my favorite Christmas albums are Christian contemporary ones from the late 80's and all of the 90's. Don't get me wrong, I love the newer albums too. And some of these old ones are pretty cheesy. but there's just something about the ones you grew up listening to. Warm fuzzies galore. 

Do you have any Christmas confessions? 

Love the Here and Now


  1. The struggle to eat well this time of year is real!! We literally just had a breakfast for our floor at work and it was all pastries and bagels and just a few pieces of fruit - I walked in and walked right out LOL! So glad you'll get gifts on x-mas morning - it's important to have a little something to look forward to! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  2. Omg! I have been known to turn around more than once to check to make sure I unplugged my straightening iron!!

  3. I always double check and have been known to call home when I arrive at my destination to have someone else check that I unplugged something. I definitely think you need to do the Peppermint Shake experiment. Purely scientific of course.

  4. Great confessions! I eat everything in sight this time of year! I love opening Christmas presents on Christmas morning. I will never be too old for that!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  5. oh mannnnnn AmEx gift cards?? that stinks...I'm sorry. I've told Chuck multiple times that I don't want any Christmas gifts because of the wedding. I don't believe for a second that he's going to listen. Ugh! haha

  6. The old Christmas albums are definitely the best! We decided just to do Christmas stockings this year to lower the stress level a bit but even those add up!

  7. It's so hard to eat healthy this time of year. I try to drink a TON of water to counteract the sugar. And I try to limit myself to JUST homemade treats. If I can buy it at the grocery store, I try not to eat it.

    Milkshakes though....yeah can't help you there, I need one too ;)!

  8. Ohhhhhh add that to the list of things I can be paranoid about now......definitely making a mental note not to turn off everything when we leave! I 100% party at work today give me all the cookies!

  9. Don't even get me started on the 10 extra lbs around this time of year! Or being paranoid because hello, party of two apparently! Chris and I have forgone gifts for the greater good of our house before. Being adults can suck sometimes!

  10. we don't leave our lights on either!
    girl ever since you told me about that peppermint shake i've had it like 7 times. and our work keeps getting all these chocolates and cookies and i just can't stop eating!

  11. Bahaha! Oh my goodness so funny. That really stings about being ineligible, bummer. Thanks for linking up!

  12. hahah the christmas eating is about the only thing christmas-y that I am doing! Btw I thought it was only me who got so paranoid about lights on the tree!

  13. Loved these! I think you should totally move forward with your highly scientific chocolate peppermint shake experiment; it's an important study the world needs to know about! haha and as for giving gifts...I understand being adult and all, but I think I'd cave and do Christmas gifts, too. :)


  14. A scientific experiment is definitely in order! And a post comparing the two. This time of year I eat all the food, I hear you. Stopping by from Wednesday Wishes!

  15. Haha, I love the confessions! I have been eating a bit more this holiday season as well. But you know what, I'm ok with that. I don't leave my Christmas tree on when we leave the house either (we have a fake one)... more so because we aren't there to see it, so why leave it on. Thanks so much for linking up with our countdown! :)


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