Wednesday, December 10, 2014


I haven't confessed in a few weeks, and I know the whole confession link-up thing is kind of over, but I love confession Wednesdays! Why can't this still be a thing? It needs to be a thing. If I knew what in the heck I was doing, I might do my own link-up, but I don't know what in the heck I am doing. Linky tools, buttons, html code?? What language is this?

Anyway, since I'm bad at letting go of things (Favorite sweaters, cancelled TV shows, badly mod-podged boxes I made in college...) I'm going to go ahead and say that today is confession day. So there.

-- You know that planner I mentioned in my Christmas Wish List post? Yeah, I may have bought it for myself on Monday, along with a wall calendar that was also very needed. Hey, Santa's busy this time of year, I'm just helping him out!

-- Speaking of planners, I actually started planning out my blog posts by writing them down in my planner instead of just sitting down the night before or 10 minutes before posting and writing whatever pops in my head (which, let's face it, makes for some pretty awesome stuff too). And I feel a lot more organized and writing posts is so much easier, whodathunk?? But the problem is I keep changing my mind on when to post things and moving them around, and I've been writing in pen so my planner is a very ugly mish-mash of scratched out and rewritten post ideas right now. I might need to try pencil.

Exhibit A- note the arrows and scribbles all over the place. Pretty, huh? 

-- I keep forgetting to mention that I am planning on participating in the Blogger 2 Blogger Book Club for December hosted by Becca of Becoming Adorrable and Kelly of Kelly's Kinda Crazy! I say planning on it because I haven't actually started reading the book yet (Little Women). But I can totally do this, you guys. I am a really fast reader. No, really.

-- This isn't really a confession but I also keep forgetting to mention that I hit 50 followers on Bloglovin' last week! Ok, it might be a confession of how excited I got, I was kind of geeking out a little. Like this:

-- It took me like seven tries to get that selfie right (and by right I mean I still kind of hate it but it's probably as good as it's gonna get). I look scary when I'm trying to do an excited/surprised face.

-- I may have had chocolate cake for breakfast on Sunday. There are perks to hosting a Christmas party at your house, i.e. leftovers.

See? I feel so much better after confessing. This should always be a thing.

Love the Here and Now


  1. Doesn't it make you sad when you write in pen in the planner and then need to cross something out - I get a little twinge of guilt for messing up LOL!! Congrats on 50 followers girl - so awesome!

  2. Scheduling posts is really helpful, for sure. Love the planner!

    Happy 50 followers!

    I love that we love cake picture, hilarious!

  3. Yay! You got the planner. You are way ahead of me - mine's just sitting on the table. Congratulations on 50 followers! That's super exciting! Your book club sounds super fun!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  4. AHHH! CONGRATS ON 50 FOLLOWERS! That's so exciting!! ALSO! I know a trick for the planner! Post-It notes are a lifesaver! that way you can move them around from day to day!

  5. YAY for a new planner and calendar. I'm so excited to start writing in mine for 2015 :) Ps- I use these free printables for my blog post planning... bc I change/edit/scratch out a lot too hehe

  6. hahahahaha that last meme......story of my life! I swear I really need to start planning my posts I have a feeling I could actually get some sleep and not be up until 1am finishing them then.......

  7. That planner is beautiful! I need to get another one. I have a May Designs planner, but I think it is too small for me. Congrats on 50 followers! :)

  8. I'm one of your 50!! Hopefully Santa didn't already get you the planner too :)

  9. "This could be us if we did't like cake so much" haha! Story of my life lately. Tis the season for pastries everywhere, and I'm not upset about it.

  10. I use whiteout lol because I reschedule things all the time! I have started just planning like 3 posts a week, then it's easier to move things around when I inevitably need to. and yay 50 followers, you go girl!

  11. LOLOL that meme!!! SO true....except replace cake with cookies for me. Congrats on your followers :)

    I am trying to get my life together as far as blogging goes too. I actually had today's post done a day in advance and I have the entire week done on my blogging community site, so that is progress right?!

  12. I love your humor. And I love the planners. I had to switch to pencil for that very reason. Although I will say that seeing the arrows and scratch out things makes me think that I am even more productive and busy. Mind games I tell you.... If you would ever like help setting up a link up let me's not that hard at all. Heck...I did it! Email me if you are interested and I can guide you through it.

  13. Congrats on the planner and the followers and the really good selfie! My planner is a nightmare but I don't care. It's for me and if it looks like a hot mess, so be it. It fits in with the theme of my blog even more!

    I love that nerd quirk. I love it even more because I have that exact conversation with my husband all the time! Hope you enjoy your book club. It's a cute idea!

  14. Cute planner! Definitely pencil. I move stuff around constantly! And congrats on the followers!! :)

  15. Cake for breakfast...YUM! I need to start using pencil too ;) hahaha

  16. My planner looks the same way! I try to keep an "idea list" next to the calendar for the ones that I can move around, but I always end up scratching things out anyway!


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