Friday, December 5, 2014

Friday Favorites: Christmas Wish List Edition

So we have made it to Friday once again! Today I thought I would share my Christmas wish list. There are lots of things I would like that we just can't afford, but I'm also happy with the things that we can afford. So I have two different versions, the realistic list and the..."not gonna happen but it's nice to dream" list.

Realistic List: 

1. Onesie


I used to have one of these and I literally wore it out. It is the most comfortable article of clothing ever invented. My husband hates them because he says they are also the most unattractive article of clothing ever invented. But seriously, SOCK MONKEY FEET!!!

2. Sugar Paper Planner

Of course I would prefer one of those $50 planners, but the Sugar Paper ones at Target at really cute and they're like $7.99!

3. Gift cards to Target, Old Navy, and/or Starbucks

You can't go wrong with gift cards to any of these places! You're basically giving me a shopping spree to my favorite stores, so never a bad idea!

4. Tote Bag

I carry a tote (along with my purse and lunch bag, I'm kind of a bag lady) to work every day and the one I have is falling apart, so something like this would be a great replacement!

Unrealistic (but fun) List: 

1. Michael Kors Purse
Michael Kors

I have always wanted an MK purse, I just think his stuff is so gorgeous and classy! And is not this gold one GORGEOUS?? I would probably be afraid to actually use it though, it would just sit on my dresser and I would stare at it.

2. Personal massage therapist

I mean, we're dreaming here right?? But how wonderful would it be to be able to get a massage anytime you want?

3. Audi A4


We made the mistake of test driving this beauty a few years ago, and we've kind of ruined every other car ever for ourselves. I usually just tolerate driving, it gets me from point A to point B and that's about it. I actually really enjoyed driving for the sake of driving in this car, and it was SO quiet and SO smooth! And it's prettyyyy.

4. A cabin in the mountains

The mountains in North Carolina are my all time favorite place to vacation and relax. There's just something about the mountains for me, when I am there any stress or worry just melts away. If we had our own place we would be there every chance we got!

But really, I would be thrilled with the onesie, planner, gift cards, and tote! Promise!

What's on your list? What would be on your dream list if money was no object?

Meet At The Barre



  1. Love that onesie! I got the fleece Paul Frank one from Target a few years ago and absolutely love it- so warm and comfy! That MK purse has been on my wishlist for years... some day hopefully! Happy weekend!

  2. Happy Friday! Not sure if we could do a onsie because neither of us can sleep with socks on! We are all about gift cards! Love the unrealistic list too. We've already determined an Audi is a must for our midlife crisis and the kids are older now car :) Have a great weekend!

  3. But how do people sleep in onsies? Don't they get twisted? Maybe it is my hot natured self that would feel super claustrophobic!

    Love that MK purse and that planner is cute too! I need to get a planner for next year. NEEEEED! Have a great weekend!

  4. Our unrealistic lists match! I dream of driving up to my cabin in my Audi A4 convertible with my Michael Kors purse containing an advanced copy of my latest book.

    That onesie is so cute! I love grown-up footie pajamas.

  5. A personal massage therapist?! can i have one please?

  6. Personal massage therapist? Yesss please! That is my dream in life!

  7. I have that planner! I would loooooooooooooooove a personal massage therapist! You picked some great items!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  8. I'll pretty much take everything on your list as well ;) Nothing better than sock monkey feet! And I can't function without my planner... I do have a bigger, more expensive one but I use it DAILY for work, blogging, life- I need it!! ;)

  9. Haha that onesie is awesome. I've never worn a onesie...apart from when I was a baby of course! But I'm definitely intrigued. I'm way beyond the point of wearing what my boyfriend likes so if it's comfy, I might have to convert! And I will take an Audi anything! I've been dreaming about one for years!

  10. That onesie is adorable! I want one but my only concern is having to take the whole damn thing off whenever I use the bathroom. MUST HAVE ASS FLAP.

  11. I joined Massage Envy so its kind of like having a massage whenever I want... kind of....


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