Friday, December 12, 2014

Friday Favorites

I am so looking forward to this weekend! As fun as the party was last weekend I am looking forward to a little more relaxing and low key couple of days! We will probably just chill at home tonight and tomorrow night we have a Christmas party at a friend's house! I also want to get my Christmas cards mailed out and get the house back in order. We had errands to run and places to be every night this week so as clean as we got it for the party, this week's craziness led to it looking like a tornado went through. I'm ready to get it all straight and organized again!

Favorite song: 

I love this version of Joy to the World! It's so much fun to sing along to!

Favorite recipe: 
Peppermint Chocolate Chunk Cheesecake! NOM NOM NOM. So many calories, so much goodness. Will be sharing this recipe on Tuesday!

Favorite workout: 
PiYo Sweat

This move is just as fun as it looks. 

When they say sweat they ain't kidding. It's basically a bunch of down-dogs, planks and push ups. 

Favorite video: 
Daniel Radcliffe rapping "Alphabet Aerobics." Epic-ness.

Favorite funnies: 

Don't lie, you know you've done it.

Not quite like it is in the movies...

This is so accurate right now. Hence why I need a break from FB

But I'm sure these fish have a great personality! 

Have a fabulous weekend lovelies! 

Meet @ the Barre



  1. I'm dying over your funnies today!! I have totally pulled my blanket up way too far and then punched myself - not fun!! That workout looks intense - I not so secretly hate push-ups so I try to steer clear lol!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  2. That cheesecake looks amazing! I love anything holiday themed and those candy-canes are adorable!

    Bahahaha, I laughed at the meerkat pin, HILARIOUS! happy Friday, friend!

  3. I need that cheesecake in my life, like now! It looks so good. And Daniel Radcliffe is fabulous! I love Jimmy's show. Its always fun!

  4. Peppermint chocolate chunk cheesecake? Amazing.

  5. LOL- your funnies are awesome today! The fish, and the "no I do not like to move it move it" both made crack up in my office. ENJOY your weekend, friend!!

  6. i laughed so hard at the punching myself in the face when i pull the blankets up. totally done that. hilarious.
    everyone is posting peppermint chocolatey things, i think i need to get another peppermint shake from chik fil a on my way home...

  7. Haha your funnies! I have certainly punches myself in the face before. And that cheesecake looks magical!!!!!

  8. I hear PiYo is awesome! Really like those memes. Very funy!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  9. You are hysterical!!! Love catching up on your posts! I love that FB drama meme! So true. That cake!!!!


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