Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday Faves

Well lovelies we have come to the end of another week AND the end of another month, can you believe it?? Let's dance 'cause it's FRIDAY!!!

I like to think this guy's name is Steve the Stormtrooper and he's psyched because it's 5:00 PM on Friday and it was a really long week of stormtrooping with Lord Vader. 

I have a lot of really thrilling plans for this weekend, like laying on the couch watching X-Files (Yes, X-Files) with Adam and my puppies and planning out my gallery wall project. Don't be jealous of my exciting life.

Favorite song: 

Who I Am (Rosemary's Granddaughter)- Jessica Andrews

This is why I love Pandora. A song like this that you haven't heard in forever will come on and you'll be like "OMG good times, this my jam!" Ok, maybe this particular song isn't a great example of one that would ever be anyone's "jam" but you get the idea. Isn't this just the sweetest, cutest song though?

Favorite new product: 

Suja Juice

I got a chance to try this new juice for free from BzzAgent and review it and I am seriously loving it! They sent me coupons so that I could pick out whatever flavors I wanted, so I hopped on over to Target and chose Mango Magic and Berry Goodness. They were both delicious! I love that they are 100% all natural, organic, and GMO free! And they are 100% pure cold pressed juice, none of those nasty added sugars or other flavoring.

The Mango Magic was my favorite! Really smooth and a great flavor! The Berry Goodness was great too, a little more pulpy texture though.

Favorite food: 

Chicken salad with spinach

I made this for lunch this week and it's one of my favorite lunches because it's so easy and fits so well in my eating plan! It's just spinach topped with chicken salad made with greek yogurt, grapes and pecans! SO good and filling!

Favorite video: 

You guys. This story. It is straight up ridiculous but 100% true (It does have quite a bit of language just FYI but most of it is bleeped out). It's basically Charlie Murphy talking about one time when he and Eddie and some other people went to hang out at Prince's house (it's on the Dave Chappelle show so he and Dave Chappelle are acting it out) and I just. No words. Just watch it.

Favorite Funnies:


Yeah, I don't know how this happened:

It's a serious sense of betrayal though:
Have a wonderful weekend ladies! 

And don't forget!

Joey of Hodges Podges is having an awesome SALE on her ebook, Yeah, Maybe (click this link to go to the listing on Amazon!) this week! For this week only, February 23-28, get it for just $1.99! Check it out! 

Kristie's Blue Jeans

Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Story of Us: Part 3

Are y'all tired of hearing this story yet? I can sure drag a story out, can't I? If you missed parts 1 and 2, check them out here and here.

So where was I? Oh yes, he started hanging out with our group more. One thing I was really impressed with was that he was great with my friends. We were obviously getting to know each other but in group settings he would never just single me out and talk only to me, he would talk to everyone and he fit right in effortlessly. And they loved him.

You know the part in "Failure to Launch" when Sarah Jessica Parker's character is talking to her roommate (Zooey Deschanel) about how important it is to get "the nod" from the friends, and then they look over at the friends and they are smiling and nodding? Adam totally got "the nod" from my friends.

So in the midst of all this I was preparing for my Senior Recital, which was a requirement of my major in order to graduate. I had to sing several classical arias and other songs, some in different languages, at a performance in which I would be graded. It was basically the culmination of my college career, NBD.

IDK what the heck was going on with my hair in this picture. Tulsa wind is crazy y'all. 
My dad came into town for the recital and he got to meet Adam (although he was just meeting him as one of my friends at this point). When the time came for the recital I really wasn't sure if Adam would come to the recital or not, I mean it's really not an exciting event unless your into Italian and German arias from the Baroque period.

But he came, and funnily enough, his presence there actually kind of calmed me rather than making me that much more nervous. He brought me a beautiful single red rose. Afterwards we (me, my dad, Adam and the rest of the gang) all went to dinner and had a wonderful time.

Not the greatest picture, but Adam is there! He was sitting by my dad. 
So a few days later, I am chatting with Adam online (remember Yahoo messenger?? Those were the days). We were just casually chatting and he mentioned he had something he needed to do later that evening. I was like, "Oh? What's that?" And he said he couldn't say. So I teasingly said "Hey no secrets!" He laughed and said he would tell me after my evening class. So I'm starting to get a little suspicious at this point. I asked if he would tell me later on IM? And he said "No, this is better on the phone, trust me."

::Insert wide-eyed emoji here::

So I'm mildly freaking out and thinking this class is going to feel interminable. I get to class and find out it was cancelled! Sweet! So I called him right away and he was like "Hello??" in this slightly incredulous voice. He wasn't expecting me to call for another hour and a half. I was like "Hey, my class was cancelled. So what's the secret?"

"Well....I'd like to take you out on a date sometime."

At this point I remember feeling kind of hot and cold and warm all at the same time, and I think I sounded something like Porky Pig "Abedee abedee abedee..." And then...I totally chickened out you guys. I told him I thought we should just be friends for now. Why? Because, true to form, I was WAY overthinking it and analyzing the crap out of it and putting way more emphasis on a simple date than I should have.

What followed was the one of the most emotional, wonderful, whirlwind weeks of my life up to that point. But we'll get to that next week.

Spoiler alert: we get together in the end. 
I SWEAR I'm almost done though. 

And don't forget!

Joey of Hodges Podges is having an awesome SALE on her ebook, Yeah, Maybe (click this link to go to the listing on Amazon!) this week! For this week only, February 23-28, get it for just $1.99! Check it out! 


Thoughts for Thursday

Beautiful Things

The Grits Blog - Little Friday Linkup

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Loving Lately...

I just love these posts, and not just because they're super easy to write. That's definitely part of the appeal, but also it's just fun to share the little things that bring me joy!

+ Sweet tea in mason jars

+ Living in the South- I went to grab a drink at the gas station yesterday on my lunch and the cashier is all "Do you need your receipt, honey?" in the cutest Southern accent you ever did hear. Love. Here in the South we're all about calling complete strangers "honey" and "sweetie" and "darlin" and no, that's not weird.
+ The way our oldest dog takes care of our middle dog like such a good "big" brother, even though his "little" brother has about 30 pounds on him. Rocky (German Shepherd mix)  is SUPER nervous and high strung and you can just see Otie (Dachshund mix) being like "It's ok, crazy and somewhat obnoxious brother, you will not die if you don't get to go outside RIGHT THIS SECOND, you can calm down now."

Look at Otie's face. He's all "SIGH I can't EVEN right now."

+ Planning a BBQ party at our house for April and looking forward to the beautiful weather.

+ Staying up until 2:00 AM on Friday night to watch "just one more episode" with Adam, and knowing we can sleep in the next day.

+ Indulging in my new favorite coffee flavor from DD and not even feeling the least bit sorry because it's delicious and they only have it for a limited time! ::sobs::

+ Getting through a particularly tough workout and feeling awesome because, though you barely made it through, you didn't quit and that's what matters! Hashtag 21 Day Fix Extreme, hashtag ouch.

+ Sandal weather in February


Special thanks to Amanda for posting about them a while ago, I finally got to try them and OMG. Hashtag calories? what calories?

What are you loving lately? 

#Hashtaghumpday @ Genuinely Lauren
Making Melissa

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Blueberry Muffins with Cinnamon Streusel Topping

So I was excited to find out that my recipe for Caramel Latte Cake is being featured over at Delicious Dish Tuesday today! Check it out, along with all of the other wonderful recipes being featured!

Full Time Mama

There's just something about homemade blueberry muffins. The store-bought ones are great too, but there's nothing like making them from scratch, and they're so easy! I made these for Adam for Valentine's Day and they were a hit!

You will need:

For the muffins: 
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 cup white sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 egg
1/3 cup milk
1 cup fresh blueberries

For the topping: 
1/2 cup white sugar
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 cup butter, cubed
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Grease muffin cups or line with muffin liners.

Combine 1 1/2 cups flour, 3/4 cup sugar, salt and baking powder.

Place vegetable oil into a 1 cup measuring cup; add the egg and enough milk to fill the cup.

Mix this with flour mixture. Fold in blueberries gently. 

Make the topping: Mix together 1/2 cup sugar, 1/3 cup flour, and 1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon.

Cut in the 1/4 cup butter with a fork or pastry blender. 

Mixture should resemble coarse crumbs: 

Fill muffin cups right to the top, and sprinkle with crumb topping mixture.

Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, or until topping is browned and toothpick inserted comes out clean. 



For the muffins: 
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 cup white sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 egg
1/3 cup milk
1 cup fresh blueberries

For the topping: 
1/2 cup white sugar
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 cup butter, cubed
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Grease muffin cups or line with muffin liners.
  2. Combine 1 1/2 cups flour, 3/4 cup sugar, salt and baking powder. Place vegetable oil into a 1 cup measuring cup; add the egg and enough milk to fill the cup. Mix this with flour mixture. Fold in blueberries. Fill muffin cups right to the top, and sprinkle with crumb topping mixture.
  3. To Make Crumb Topping: Mix together 1/2 cup sugar, 1/3 cup flour, 1/4 cup butter, and 1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon. Mix with fork, and sprinkle over muffins before baking.
  4. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, or until topping is browned and toothpick inserted comes out clean.

And don't forget!

Joey of Hodges Podges is having an awesome SALE on her ebook, Yeah, Maybe (click this link to go to the listing on Amazon!) this week! For this week only, February 23-28, get it for just $1.99! Check it out! 

All Kinds of Things
Eat Drink & Be Mary

Monday, February 23, 2015

Liebster Award! + ebook SALE!!!

So the beautiful Sarah of Coffee & Glitter nominated me for the Liebster Award like, more than a month ago, and I am such a serious slacker that I am just NOW getting around to finding nominees and coming up with my own set of questions so I can post about it. I am so honored to have been nominated and it was really fun to answer these questions and nominate some lovely ladies! 

In case you haven't heard, the Liebster Award is a blogger to blogger nomination that helps more blogs to be discovered and recognized! You answer the 11 questions you were given, nominate 11 other bloggers with 100 followers or less (I used Bloglovin' followers in this case), and give them 11 questions to answer. They should then answer those questions and pass it along to 11 other bloggers with 100 followers or less! 

Without further ado, here are the questions from Sarah: 

Random pic of me, because blog posts need pictures. 
1. When did you start blogging and why?
I started blogging in August of 2014. I had read blogs for a while and really enjoyed it, and had thought about starting one of my own on and off, but I wasn't really sure if I should. I would always think, what do I have to blog about? I'm not too exciting...but then I was all "What the heck, why NOT?" and I don't know why I waited so long! I absolutely love it! 

2. What is the story behind your blog name?
I feel like Grace Makes New is kind of the theme of my life. His grace has been with me through every moment of my life, from the "best day ever" kind of times, to the "darkness and despair" times. In my hardest times, I have a distinct feeling of being carried by His grace and peace.  To me grace means not that life is perfect and wonderful all the time, but that He's there for me and carries me through, that He is willing and able to turn bad into good, ugly into beautiful, old into new, broken into whole. My mess into His glory. 

3. Dresses, Shorts, or Sweatpants?
It depends, but if I had to choose I would probably say shorts. Florida girl right here. 

4. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Hmmmm, that's a tough one! If we're talking savory I would say Pasta (constant carb coma= worth it), if we're talking sweet I would say dark chocolate. 

5. Other than blogging, what is a hobby you pursue?
Baking/Cake decorating. We used to do it as a business but decided it wasn't for us. I got TOTALLY burned out and I am just now really starting to enjoy baking again. I still love doing cakes but we only take a few jobs here and there. 

6. What is your biggest pet peeve?
Inconsiderate people. It drives me batty when people just plow through with no regard for other people or their feelings. 

7. To date, what is the best thing that has happened to you in you life?
Other than Jesus, it would definitely have to be my sweetie, Adam! (Cue the AWWWS) But seriously, he's my world. 

8. What is something you hope to accomplish in your life?
I hope to be a mom someday. 

9. What is your guilty pleasure?
Watching old shows on Hulu or Prime, like 7th Heaven or Sabrina the Teenage Witch. I'm not even sorry. 

10. Where is somewhere you want to travel to?
I would LOVE to go to Great Britain someday! All of it, England, Scotland, Wales. 

11. What is the best blog post that you have written so far?
Well that seems like something my lovely readers should answer! But one that a lot of people seemed to find really helpful was the one about how to earn free gift cards

Thank you so much Sarah for nominating me!! I hereby nominate the following beautiful ladies: 

And here are your questions! 

1. What made you want to start a blog? 
2. What do you mostly blog about? 
3. What are your goals for 2015? 
4. Favorite flavor of ice cream? 
5. What are three things you never leave the house without? 
6. Have you ever traveled outside of the US? If so, where? 
7. Do you have a "life quote", something that perfectly articulates your view on life? 
8. Do you have any siblings, or are you an only child? 
9. What is your regular order at Starbucks? 
10. What is the best vacation you have ever had? 
11. What is your favorite place to shop? 


Oh and some exciting news! Joey of Hodges Podges is having an awesome SALE on her ebook, Yeah, Maybe (click this link to go to the listing on Amazon!) this week! For this week only, February 23-28, get it for just $1.99! Check it out! 

For quiet, reserved, and focused 15 year old Annie Mackey, school was a sanctuary.  But when her bubbly and beautiful neighborhood best friend joins her at Willow Point High for freshmen year, her world is turned upside down.

Everything Annie could count on for stability is shattered, and she's left feeling more alone than ever before.

Just when she's about to lose all hope, someone unexpected swoops in and gives her a much needed lesson in perspective.