Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Loving Lately...

I just love these posts, and not just because they're super easy to write. That's definitely part of the appeal, but also it's just fun to share the little things that bring me joy!

+ Sweet tea in mason jars

+ Living in the South- I went to grab a drink at the gas station yesterday on my lunch and the cashier is all "Do you need your receipt, honey?" in the cutest Southern accent you ever did hear. Love. Here in the South we're all about calling complete strangers "honey" and "sweetie" and "darlin" and no, that's not weird.
+ The way our oldest dog takes care of our middle dog like such a good "big" brother, even though his "little" brother has about 30 pounds on him. Rocky (German Shepherd mix)  is SUPER nervous and high strung and you can just see Otie (Dachshund mix) being like "It's ok, crazy and somewhat obnoxious brother, you will not die if you don't get to go outside RIGHT THIS SECOND, you can calm down now."

Look at Otie's face. He's all "SIGH I can't EVEN right now."

+ Planning a BBQ party at our house for April and looking forward to the beautiful weather.

+ Staying up until 2:00 AM on Friday night to watch "just one more episode" with Adam, and knowing we can sleep in the next day.

+ Indulging in my new favorite coffee flavor from DD and not even feeling the least bit sorry because it's delicious and they only have it for a limited time! ::sobs::

+ Getting through a particularly tough workout and feeling awesome because, though you barely made it through, you didn't quit and that's what matters! Hashtag 21 Day Fix Extreme, hashtag ouch.

+ Sandal weather in February


Special thanks to Amanda for posting about them a while ago, I finally got to try them and OMG. Hashtag calories? what calories?

What are you loving lately? 

#Hashtaghumpday @ Genuinely Lauren
Making Melissa


  1. Love mason jars! It's probably all in our heads but it really seems like things just taste better out of them. Your dogs are adorable, and that is so sweet that he takes care of his brother. Dogs are the best! Winks and Eyerolls

  2. Those TJ choco PB things are sooo good! I'm trying to hold off on going until I absolutely must have something because I know I'll go overboard. Yay for sandal weather, though I'm rocking the tights and boots while I still can and rain. Still loving mason jars too!

  3. I cant wait for our TJ's to open here! I have really missed having one since I moved and I am going to buy all the things on opening day!

    I need to find a new show to binge on. We are pretty much caught up on everything and I miss that I HAVE TO WATCH ONE MORE feeling! I haven't tried that DD flavor yet but I will next time I am there!

  4. I miss the south and sweet tea - we dont have that up here oh and the great weather...also lacking here :( xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  5. I love the South for that reason, everyone is so friendly! When Chuck's family comes up here to visit they ask for sweet tea everywhere they go and people look at them like they have 5 heads, haha. I love the accents!

  6. That's so cute about your dogs looking out for each other. We've been considering getting our boy a dog brother but haven't taken the leap. I really wish we had a Dunkin Donuts here so I could have delicious coffee and I wish I could get it served by someone with a sweet southern accent!

  7. I love that your one dog looks out for the other. Our older dog is a high strung nervous wreck and our older one is so over it.

    I think I would do well in the South. Delaware thinks it's the south but not really. I love the friendliness of Southerners.

  8. last night I totally apologized to a man at the bar by saying "oh my gosh, I'm so sorry I bumped you sweetie!" I also have a tendency to call people "sugar" or more accurately, "sug" because "sugar" is just too long + sometimes I'm Dolly Parton in Steel Magnolias. it comes + goes. haha

  9. Yes to mason jars and sweet tea! The only time I have heard someone be called honey, it wasn't meant to be in a nice way. We just aren't all that nice up here I suppose ha ha! Send some of that friendliness my way!

  10. I have been craving sweet tea like...well a pregnant lady. I may brave this "snow storm" we're supposed to have to go and get some. I am also counting down the days till we finally get our Trader Joe's here! I am going to spend so much it might be ridiculous.

  11. I am so scared of ever trying those cookie butter cups. terrified. I'd be addicted.

  12. i kind of hate you for the fact you can wear sandals right now :'(

  13. That coffee looks amazing! I wish there was a DD near by because I would love one of those right now!!

  14. so jealous you are able to wear sandals right now! i can't! looking forward to warmer weather SO bad.

  15. I'm with you...I have my first loving lately post coming up next week and I'm excited about it. You are making me want some iced tea in a mason jar, but seriously I really do love drinking anything out of a mason jar. We don't have dunkin donuts out here but I raelly wish we did!

  16. Oooh that drink from DD sounds delicious! I rarely drink any coffee-type drinks but the seasonal ones always seem to call my name! ;) Go you on the workout!! It always takes SO much effort for me to get to the gym, but you are right- I never regret it once its done!

  17. Ohh love me some sweet tea! I lived down south for most of my childhood and now that I'm up north I miss the proper sweet tea.. Thank god Chik Fil A is moving move north.. I still have not tried out that new DD drink but keep eying it up thanks to you lol. And lastly I don't think my toes are ever going to thaw out enough to wear sandles again! OMG this cold is redic! Happy Wednesday!

  18. My boyfriend is from the south, and some of his expressions and pet names just crack me up! Southerners definitely seem extra friendly and sweet (and least from my NYC perspective!).

  19. I love that you love these types of posts! You just make my heart happy :) along with everything that you're loving lately. And can I get an Amen for sandal weather in Florida??!

  20. Oooo those sandals are adorable! I've bought those cookie butter cups before but they were eaten before I got to them, I heard they're delicious!

  21. Love those sandals!!!!! We've had similar weather here, too...until today!

  22. Sweet Tea and the south are two of my FAVORITE things!!! :) SC is "home" to me even though I've spent most of my life in the PNW...Someday, I'll be moving back! :) In the meantime, I make my own sweet tea and try to convert all these western people into believing that it shouldn't be served any other way!

    For once, I've had better weather than all my family in the south, but by April, you guys will definitely be cooking out and I will most definitely be DREAMING about it! :)

    Those cookies look sooo good!

    I wore shoes without socks the other day and got so excited!!! This doesn't ever happen here!

    Ohhhh. And I'm guilty of trying to stay up to watch things only to fall asleep! Sometimes just 10 minutes in. :( Lol!

  23. cookie butter cups? wow- best thing i have heard in awhile!!

  24. The dog thing is so cute! I have a German Shepherd mix who's about 40 pounds, and he acts like a big brother to my Mastiff, who's about 150 pounds. It's adorable. I also totally approve of the cookie butter biz - cookie butter is AMAZING, seriously life-changing.

  25. The older dog taking care of the middle one is just precious!!! Just absolutely precious!

  26. Haha, I love drinking out of mason jars, too! And those cookie butter cups are SO good!
    Thanks for linking up for the coffee date!

  27. I love that B&W picture of the dogs... and I'm not even an animal lover :-)


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