Friday, February 13, 2015

My Favorite Valentine's Memory

*This is sort of a continuation of our story, but more of just a little aside within the story, if you will. I will continue the main story next Thursday as promised*

As I have mentioned, Adam was my first and only boyfriend/dating relationship, so I spent A LOT of Valentine's Days as a single lady (all the single ladies), but it never really bothered me that much. Of course there were Valentine's Days I wished I had a boyfriend to send me flowers or bring me candy, but I never really just hated the day or anything.

It's kind of funny because my favorite Valentine's memory is actually of the Valentine's Day immediately before Adam and I were "official", when we were in the "we're just hanging out as friends" phase (like February 13th was literally our second time hanging out just the two of us). At this point we knew there was interest, but we were just getting to know each other. We planned to meet at Starbucks that afternoon to have coffee and chat. 

So I felt kind of awkward going on a "date" (we didn't call it a date at the time, but let's face it, that's what it was) with this guy I didn't know very well right before Valentine's Day. Isn't that like, a cardinal rule of dating or something? Don't plan a date with a guy you're not in an official relationship with on or right around Valentine's? Obviously I was clueless. I didn't know if he would feel like he should bring me some kind of gift and I didn't want him to feel like he had to. But what if he did?? And what if it was weird?? And what should I doooo and saaaaay??

Clearly I was overthinking things, as usual. Since it was all so new to me I was super afraid of doing something wrong or awkward or weird. 

When I arrived I noticed he didn't have candy or a card or anything so I was like "Ok, cool. Now I know" and we sat and talked for awhile. Then as we were getting ready to leave he goes "I have something in the car for you" and I was like "Oh snap."

So I walk to the car with him and he pulls out a card and a Guitar how-to book. We both played guitar and had talked about it and he knew I was just learning chords and stuff, so he thought I might like to read up on it. I was thinking "Well gosh darn it that's just the most adorable and thoughtful thing ever!" and I was impressed that he managed to come up with something thoughtful and sweet but not the kind of gift that says "Happy Valentine's Day, we are just getting to know each other but let's define the relationship right here and right now!"

Then I opened the card and it was a Valentine's greeting card with Barbie on it and said "For a Special Granddaughter" but "Granddaughter" was crossed out and he had written "Julie" in it's place (Julie is what my friends have always called me even though my real name is Julia). I cracked up and all of the nervousness left.

You would have to know Adam to know this perfectly embodies his quirky sense of humor and I absolutely loved it. Again I was impressed that he struck the perfect balance between sweet and funny and a little bit of sentimental as we were discovering how we felt about each other. I left that day thinking "This guy is something pretty special."

Of course we've had many wonderful Valentine's as a couple since then, but this one is my favorite because it was my first real glimpse into what a sweet, thoughtful, funny, and considerate guy Adam is, and though I didn't know it at the time, it was the start of something wonderful. 

What's your favorite Valentine's Day memory?

DANG I am wordy! And I tried to be more succinct with this one, really I did!

Venus Trapped in Mars

Kristie's Blue Jeans


  1. Aw that's so cute! My favorite Valentine's day is before my boyfriend and I were dating too. He actually said on that evening, "So you know, we're basically official now, right?"

  2. okay these GIFS are hilarious!!! have a fun valentines weekend!

  3. Awwwww I love that story!! That is totally something I would do for Mark.....I really like this card but it was like for my sister so I just improvised ;)

  4. How incredibly sweet and leave it to a guy to cross out something on a cute card to put your name on it!! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  5. bahaha that is the best card! Now I know how to send cards from now on =)

  6. haha!!! That card is SO sweet! :) Enjoy your weekend with your hubby, Julia!

  7. Well this is just shaping out to the cutest little story ever!

    My favorite vday was my very first one with Chris. It was the last day that I saw Chris before the night he proposed to me a week later! He brought me a white teddy bear holding a pink heart, perfume and a fun overnight bag that said "love rocks" and had a guitar on it because we were constantly traveling back and forth to each other because I lived in Atlanta and he in Birmingham. I made him homemade lasagna that weekend and have ever vday since!

  8. you guys are so adorable!! i literally have zero valentines day memories to share because I have never (ever) celebrated it!

  9. hahah oh my gosh that Dwight quote... classic!

  10. Again with the cuteness in your relationship! This is very sweet.

    I always had sorority rush during Valentine's Day so we never actually celebrated on the day itself so that just kind of became our standard, even once we graduated. And now we don't celebrate it at all because I don't like to. Long story, uninteresting story.

  11. That's such a cute story! I love that. I'll be honest, I've only been officially with my guy for a couple of weeks (though we've been dating for two months) and we're going out tonight to celebrate Valentine's Day and I've totally over-thought it. I'm really hoping he doesn't get me anything - dinner is way more than enough for me! But as for your question, I think the best Valentine's Day I've ever had was last year, actually. One of my close girl friends and I went out on the town and had the best time not worrying about boys! :)

  12. That's such an awesome and thoughtful present (I am totally with you on those memes! :P )! That would beat chocolate/flowers in my book any day. :]

    1. Thanks Farrah! I totally agree! :)

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  13. That's such a sweet story! My first Valentine's Day with my now husband was just a few weeks after we started dating so I had no idea what to expect, or did I know I'd be marrying him haha. So glad you linked up with us!

    1. Thank you Lisa! :) Aww, so sweet! Isn't it fun to look back on memories of the beginnings! :)

      Hey I don't know if you realize, but you're a no reply blogger so I can't email you a response to your comment! :( Here's an easy fix!

  14. What a sweet story!! That wasnt wordy at all just sweet :)

  15. awww this is sweet, and funny. i love your writing style!

    1. Thank you so much Sydni! So glad you enjoyed it! :)

      Hey I don't know if you realize, but you're a no reply blogger so I can't email you a response to your comment! :( Here's an easy fix!

  16. Man, that's the kind of Valentine's day card that I could fall in love with! Hilarious!

  17. I don't think I could saw awwwwwwww enough to this story!! So thoughtful!! And any post with an Angel meme....yes please.

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