Friday, March 6, 2015

Friday Faves

We have made it to Friday once again! And I can't get enough of these dancing gifs, so here you go:

Let's get right to the favs of the week, shall we? 

Favorite Song: 
Maroon 5- Sugar

I've been groovin' to a lot of Maroon 5 lately and loving this one this week! 

Favorite Workout: 
21 Day Fix Extreme Yoga

I really enjoyed the Yoga DVD this week, it's a little more advanced than what I've done before and it's fun to challenge myself! Although I literally LOL'd when we were doing the "Crow" position and the optional advanced version was to do a full handstand. Yeah, ok, I'll get right on that. 

Favorite Purchase(s):
All from Target (duh)- 

Placemats! I decided on two of the same and two other different, but coordinating ones. The blue ones were on clearance and I got them for 29 cents and 88 cents! 

LOVE this gold luminary I found in the Dollar Section! Total impulse buy but it was $3! So you know, it pretty much threw itself at me and I had no choice. 

Favorite Mail(s):
(Yes, I know mails is not a word. But it should be)

This was like, an epic mail week. First I got this free sample from BzzAgent: 

More about these later, but for now suffice it to say OM NOM NOM. It has taken all the will powers I have to not eat this whole package this week. 

Then I got this gorgeous necklace from Grayling Designs that I won in a giveaway from the lovely Jillian of Cornflake Dreams

Isn't it SO purty? I love how simple and classic it is! 

and THEN I got this box of goodies from Heather of My Little HEA

She sent them to all of her co-hosts for her birthday giveaway, isn't that the sweetest? It had so much fun stuff, including Oreos and Cake Batter Chapstick! I mean what's not to love? 

Favorite Funnies: 

You don't need that kind of negativity in your life. 

 Don't you just love when you can really be yourself?

Couch doesn't ask questions. Couch understands. 

Yeah, we gave up on this a long time ago: 

Don't forget to enter the giveaway for $175 Paypal Cash! And have a terrific weekend, lovelies! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Sugar. YES! That song made sweeping the house the other day way more fun! And dude, if Adam Levine showed up at my wedding, there would be problems haha!!

  2. Oh I LOVE Grayling!!! They're in Portland! :) Happy Friday!

  3. I heart the dancing memes! Especially anything with Fallon and Elmo! I mean what?!?! Those placemats look amazing, and I wish I could find one of those luminaries at my Target -- it's like all the bloggers get there before me, and leave nothing!! :) I hope you have a fantastic weekend!!!

  4. Love the new goodies you got, those placemats are so awesome. I really love that necklace, lucky you!!

  5. that GIF of fallon and elmo TOTALLY made my day :) everything at target tends to throw itself at me!!!

  6. That yoga challenge sounds amazing. I want to try it, is it only a dvd by beach body?

    Your placemats are fabulous and love all your funnies!

  7. Love that song Sugar - it's so catchy and yay for pretty new baubles!! Have a great weekend! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  8. Those placemats are so cute! That Tim Tam looks really tasty! Have a great weekend, Julia! :)

    love your new placemats!

  10. Cake batter Chapstick??? Where does one find this?!

    You used a Freaks and Geeks meme and therefore it is my favorite.

  11. I buy a lot from Target too. Love that store.

    I have the Cake Batter chapstick. And the Pumpkin Pie one.

  12. Love your table centerpiece. You know when luminaries throw themselves at you, you really have no choice!

  13. Ohhhh your placemats are so cute!!! You really did score in the mail department!!! It is so fun getting packages like that! Especially free ones! I have that Cake Batter is delicious! Have a great weekend!

  14. Im going to look like that cat on the couch tonight! haha So happy it's the weekend! Enjoy yours!!

  15. LOVE that Jimmy Fallon gif, and that necklace is gorgeous! I will definitely have to try the 21 day fix yoga after I have my baby. I've been getting really into yoga lately. :)

  16. Awesome deal on those placemats! And this was a super-epic week in awesome mail for you--aren't those fun weeks?

  17. Those dancing gifs really are the best! God choice on placemats. They compliment each other well.


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