Monday, April 20, 2015

Weekend Recap: Party Edition!

So this weekend was fabulous and I really don't understand why 3 day weekends aren't just the norm. I mean, 2 days?? That's barely enough time to get the house clean and go grocery shopping, forget relaxing! Who do we need to talk to so that this can be a thing?

You guys. I made a button for my blog. I feel super smart and savvy now. I realize this is pretty basic stuff but I'm still all proud.

Grace Makes New

Here it is if you want to grab it! Let me know if you do, and now that I know how to add buttons I can add your button to my blog and it will be one big happy button swap love fest! That sounds kind of awkward. Moving on.

I got my gallery wall hung on Wednesday night so it was ready for the party! I lurve it:

Friday we slept in really, really late. Like way later than we have slept in a long time. Clearly it was much needed. We woke up slow, as Jack Johnson would say, and it was glorious! Then we went out to lunch and went to the store to get everything we still needed for the party. It may be nerdy and/or cheesy of me, but I just really enjoy little things like shopping with Adam and running errands. He makes everything more fun, even buying groceries! I know, I know, cheesy cheese.

After that we came home and I did some cleaning and prepping food for the party. I made the crust and filling for a fruit pizza and the Crack Pretzels. Adam made the most AMAZING BBQ chicken and ribs for dinner.

After dinner we watched the X-Files and I did my Jamberry manicure, more on that later!

On Saturday morning I finished up my cleaning and the food. Everyone arrived for the party about 3:30 and we had a great time!

IDK why my upper arm looks so out of proportion to the rest of my arm in this picture, it's kind of freakish. Clearly I have no idea how to pose for pictures in the most flattering way. Photogenic I am not. But it's the only one I have of me and Adam and other than my freakish arm it's a good picture! 

Saturday evening Adam and I watched movies and relaxed, the perfect ending to the day!

Sunday was a pretty lazy day, Adam went out to the field and I started watching The Good Wife, which I am now hooked on. We went to lunch and got treats:

And binge-watched Brooklyn Nine-Nine while I worked on our budget and meal planned. I've got another semi-short week this week because I only work half the day this Friday, so hopefully this week will go fast! How was your weekend? 

still being molly

Bella And The City


  1. Crack pretzels!! Yuuuum!! Also you look adorable -- I love your hair! makes me want to chop all of mine off!! And yay for the gallery wall -- it looks awesome!

  2. I agree - 3 day weekends should be mandatory!!! Can we talk about your nails - can't wait for the details on that and so happy your party was a success! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  3. All of that food looks so good! Your nails are so cute too! The more people I see with jamberry nails the more I want to try them.

  4. looks amazing- i LOVE your nails!!! amazing. and three days would be life-changing! we need to make this happen! ♥

  5. congrats on the button, i was pretty proud when i made mine ;) your nails look amazing, and the party looks so fun!

  6. You got your gallery wall up! Yay!!! All of your food looks delicious, glad you had fun at the party! The Good Wife is seriously one of the best shows ever. Glad you are watching it too! We binged the heck out of it when we discovered it and got caught up to the current season last fall. Hope you have a great week!

  7. Ah I love your gallery wall! It's inspiring to finally maybe do mine instead of just having all my frames sitting in piles on my shelves. Oops. It sounds like you had a good weekend! I'm so happy it's grill and party season!

  8. look at you girl! I don't think I could do the jamberry stuff, I'm not too gifted when it comes to nail polish! haha

  9. 3 day weekends should be a must! Looks like your party was successful! Winks and Eyerolls

  10. Looks like a great weekend! Love the gallery wall!

  11. Looks like a very delicious party! :) 3 day weekends are awesome, aren't they?

  12. So this button thing is a big deal! Let me know if you wanna button swap - I'd love to!!

  13. The party looked fab...and so did you!!! Love those earrings!

  14. Pretz and chips. The holy grail of parties. Nice one! :)
    I'll be posting that lovely button on my site.
    Hope you grab mine too. Thanks!

    Miss Eleigh Neux

  15. I love the Florida print in your gallery wall!! That food looks delicious and like a successful party!! I need to revamp my sidebar but I'll let you know when I add your button!


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