Monday, May 4, 2015

Weekend Recap

Warning: There are a lot of food pictures in this post. I didn't realize how many food pics I took until I uploaded them last night. Apparently all I did this weekend was eat. Exhibit A: 

Obvs I'm back on the horse with my meal plan today. 

Friday was a crazy day at work so I was happy to jet outta there at 5:00! 

On Friday night we met friends for dinner at Ruby Tuesdays and I had an awesome salad and some delicious chicken topped with artichoke and portabella mushrooms. 

Then we went by the store for some groceries and necessary supplies:

On Saturday morning I went to Panera to enjoy some carbs and reading. Yes, I realize how ironic it is that I was reading a fitness magazine while eating a bagel and cream cheese. 

I cleaned the house and did some shopping (found some workout shorts at Target on sale, score!) and grabbed some books at the library on the way home. 

I also got up close and personal with the dogs. 

As you can see Otie was thrilled for the photo sesh. Hurley's just like, "Really mom?" and Rocky is just happy to be here, as always. 

Saturday evening we made a delicious dinner and enjoyed a quiet night at home. 

Sunday I slept in, did some reading, and had lunch with my honey at Hurricane. 

Then chilled in the hammock with my pup and my book. Pretty much the most relaxing day ever. 

And that pretty much sums it up. Not too thrilling but I enjoyed it! Did you get to relax this weekend? 

Bella And The City

still being molly


  1. I love weekends full of yummy food!! And your pups are adorable! I also consider Ben & Jerry's a necessity!! Glad you had a good weekend!!

  2. Food is the best way to spend a weekend :)

    The Lady Lawyer

  3. I'm really hungry now Julia ;) hahaha....looks like a lovely relaxing weekend. Hope you have a great week! XO!

  4. So much good food - to me that means the weekend was a success! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  5. All that food looks amazing! Sounds like a great weekend, have a fabulous week gurlie :)

  6. Oh my! All the good foods! Yum!!! Sounds like a great weekend, your puppies are so cute :)

  7. Looks like a great weekend, so much yummy food! Love seeing pics of your pups :) Winks and Eyerolls

  8. Loving all of the food pics - I always end up taking a ton too and then feel like all I did during the weekend was eat, haha! And how cute are all of the pups?! I love a good pup photo session! Hope you are having a happy Monday! xoxo

  9. What a yummy weekend you had! How was the Ben& Jerry's cookie core? I am DYING to try it!

  10. Ben & Jerry's. YUM. I bought a peanut butter s'mores ice cream on Friday. It's gone now. The whole half gallon. We're 3 people. The husband is now requesting some Ben and Jerry's. I'm not sure I'll oblige because it will be gone in approximately 4.8 seconds.

  11. this looks like such a delicious weekend, especially the ben and jerry boom chocolatta cookie core

  12. I know you warned us about the food pics, but I still went ahead and read/looked at all your pictures and now I'm hungry. That dinner that you and your man made looks delicious!

  13. I always feel I have way too many food pics from the weekend. I miss Roby Tuesday and their unlimited salad. So good! Glad you had a great weekend and your pup is super cute!

  14. Yep, you're right- that WAS a lot of food hehe! I hope we get a new grill this summer- ours pooped out on us and I really love grilling out all summer long!

  15. Brookside chocolate covered anything is my weakness! They're so good and very addicting!

  16. I am.always down with food pics! That salad sounds so good! Glad you had a great weekend. Here's to a great week ahead :)

  17. Relaxing weekends (with lots of food) are always my favorite weekends! And pretty sure I'm going to need to find that Ben & Jerry's flavor like tonight... yum!

  18. all the food.... yum!! and i am always up for a relaxing weekend, not every one has to be thrilling does it?!

  19. All that food looks so delish!!

    I moved all weekend so you know I hardly relaxed LOL.

    Love your pup's pics :)

    Thanks for linkin' up!


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