Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Birthday Weekend Fun

See, I told you I would come back with a recap today! Sure, I'm writing this at 10 PM and I didn't get my workout in tonight, but that's neither here nor there. That's more to do with the fact that we can't stop watching episode after episode of Alias than anything else.

I'm going to try work hashtags into this so I can join in with Lauren and Laura!

So my birthday weekend was perfection! We didn't do anything crazy or have a party or anything, but it was lovely and relaxing which is perfect for me! It started with having ice cream for lunch at work on Friday:

Yes, really. This was my lunch. #I'mAnAdult

Friday night was dinner with friends and relaxing at home. I planned out my birthday shopping for the next day with my list of wishes, stores I wanted to go to, and of course coupons! 

This showed up in my email and made me ridiculously happy. #EasilyAmused

Saturday morning I spent at home, making myself a yummy breakfast, reading and straightening up around the house. 

Then it was time for SHOPPING! Basically my birthday present from Adam was to go on a little mini shopping spree and get whatever I wanted (within reason of course because #budget) which is pretty much the best present ever. So I set out for the mall. My main destinations were Charming Charlie's and Forever 21. 

Of course I had to stop by DD for my free birthday drink! 

So going to the mall pretty much felt like the 90's all over again. Between listening to Jessica Simpson music in the car, pulling up to the mall I used to frequent as a teen, and buying Pearberry shower gel, I was having serious flashbacks. #GoodTimes

I got my free stuff from Charming Charlie's with my birthday coupon and some goodies at F21, which of course I had a coupon for as well: 

Remember this skirt from this post? It fits so well and is super comfortable! I couldn't resist. 

That evening we ate pizza, watched movies, and I made sea salt chocolate chip cookies. 

Sunday was a lazy day, we spent the morning relaxing, had lunch together, ate ice cream, and drove down Ponte Vedra Blvd. looking at pretty houses. 

Monday was my birthday! We both had the day off of work so we slept in and then had brunch, my new favorite meal. 

Then Adam went with me for the rest of my birthday shopping and we had some goodies along the way. 

I think I had ice cream a total of 4 times this weekend. #IMayHaveAProblem

After getting all kinds of goodies Adam took me to dinner at Longhorn and we had waaay too much food and the most ridiculous pile of cake and ice cream ever. It. Was. AWESOME. 

We couldn't eat it all but I totally saved the rest and froze it for later. 

All in all, it was a truly fabulous birthday! 

#Hashtaghumpday @ Life with Lolo

Making Melissa

The Wednesday Showcase


  1. Oh gosh you just took me back - I don't think I've been to the Avenues Mall in probably 7 or 8 years!!! So happy you had the most perfect birthday!!! An afternoon spent shopping sounds wonderful! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Food and shopping sounds like the most perfect way to spend a birthday! And heck yes to anything Pearberry!!!

  3. Looks like a fabulous birthday weekend, lady! Love all the food! I'm so hungry now :)!

  4. Free coffee and a $5 voucher on your birthday! I need to sign up! Glad you had a great bday weekend full of sweets (as it should be). Those seasalt chocolate chip cookies look amazing. I would probably eat the whole plate.


  5. Looks like such a fun birthday weekend! Love all the shopping you did, and sea salt chocolate chip cookies sound amazing!

  6. Sounds like such a good birthday weekend with shopping and ice cream, I mean what more could a girl as for?! I love all your finds too!

  7. Ice cream four times in a weekend is probably my dream. #icecreamismydrug Those cookies also look amazing, and brunch is always a good idea. :) I kind of feel like it's the 90s or early 2000s when I go to the actual mall too. I used to go on annual spring break and back-to-school shopping trips with my best friend and our moms, so I think of that! Nowadays I mostly shop online.

  8. Looks like a fabulous birthday weekend! Jessica Simpson + Pearberry being back at B&BW = Perfection :-D

  9. Happy belated birthday! Looks like an amazing weekend. Any weekend with birthday shopping is sure to be awesome!

  10. Yes to birthday ice cream and shopping and free DD!!! Looks like you had a great, wonderful birthday weekend and how awesome is it that B&BW brought back those 90s scents? I'm waiting for my delivery of way too many bottles of country apple. #noshame

  11. What a great birthday weekend!! Sea salt chocolate chip cookies sound right up my Alley, and who doesn't love some free DD??

  12. You two are the cutest!!!! When it's your birthday you have ice cream as many times as you want!!! ;-) Happy belated beautiful!

  13. I've learned as I've gotten older, birthdays are less about all and out celebrating and more about fully enjoying all your favorite things and people. It sounds like you had a good weekend!

  14. Happy belated Birthday!!! So glad you had a great weekend filled with the best things! And don't worry, I've been eating my ice cream birthday cake for my second dinner every night this week, haha!

  15. I went to the mall recently and it totally made me feel like a teenager again! haha Happy belated birthday, sounds like it was a good one :)

    1. LOL doesn't it though? Such good memories! :) Thanks so much, it was!

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  16. I hope you had a wonderful birthday, Grace! I pray God blesses you with many more beautiful years to come

  17. Sounds like the perfect way to celebrate a birthday! And F21 has coupons?! I had no idea!!! Happy belated! :)

  18. I love a little birthday shopping trip treat! I love quiet weekend mornings at home like that. Sea salt chocolate chip cookies – that recipe you must share! Ice cream four times – I need to hang out with you, that sounds perfect.

  19. Happy late birthday! It looks like you had a great weekend! I love Dunkin' Donuts!

  20. So glad you had such an awesome birthday weekend! I love going to the mall I used to frequent back home. Claires and Icing were my favorite stores! I didn't know DD gave a free Birthday drink, do you have to be part of their club or something? Ice cream is acceptable for all meals, especially if that's all you have. I feel I do much better weight wise if I indulge for a meal instead of adding it on!


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