Friday, June 9, 2017

Remember Me?

So that was a really long blogging break. I'm not even sure how to start other than to jump right back in. So hi! How's things?

I guess I'll jump in with a few things I've been up to since my last post (over a year ago, yikes):

  • Went on a somewhat impromptu trip to Savannah and SO want to go again

  • Adopted a bird (Like, an Amazon parrot, he's huge) 

  • Started a new job in a new industry (partially why I fell off the face of the blogging earth, it kind of consumed my life for a while) 

  • Working on completing a certification for said job

  • Celebrated 10 years married to this guy

  • Actually developed a slightly greener thumb and am totally obsessed with gardening now (grandma alert) 

  • Thoroughly enjoying that my in-laws live a few minutes away from us now and we see them all the time (I have the best in-laws ever, BTW) 

  • Discovered I love off-roading with Adam and our fellow Jeep friends (who knew?) 

  • Met some awesome new work friends (they are seriously the best, we even hang out on the weekends and don't get sick of each other!) 

  • Fallen more in love with coffee (obviously) 

  • Got back into cakes again and loving the creative outlet + side hustle cash

  • Hung out with the cutest kids ever (AKA my nieces and nephews) when my SILs were in town

I guess that about sums it up. What have you been up to?? 


  1. Aww welcome back girl!! I've definitely missed you and glad everything has been going well for you!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Welcome back gurlie and happy anniversary! And yesssss to loving coffee even more! Happy Friday <3
    Green Fashionista

  3. Welcome back!!!!! Congrats on the new job!! Happy anniversary!! Glad to hear you're doing well. Hope you have a great weekend!

  4. Welcome back! Congrats on the new job and your 10 year anniversary!
    I love Savannah so I can see why you already want to go back. Such good food, history, and just all around fun to explore.
    Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis

  5. Welcome back to the blogosphere, and happy anniversary!

    Cool! An amazon parrot? Does he/she talk?

  6. Welcome back, lady! So good to see you on here! :) Congrats on the new job and happy 10 years!

  7. So I completely missed this and had to do a double take for a minute. Welcome back! I've always wanted to go to Savannah. Happy belated 10 year anniversary! Gardening is goals right now #adultlife. Beautifully Candid

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