Thursday, September 18, 2014

Dear High School Julie,

If I could travel back in time and have a little chat with my high school self it would be kinda weird this is what I would say...

  • I know you feel super awkward and unsure of yourself sometimes, but guess what? Everyone else does too! Some are just better at hiding it than others. 

  • YOU ARE NOT FAT so stop it already with the negative self-talk. One day you will look at these pictures and think "Why in the heck did I think I was fat??"

  • Don't worry about not being part of the "popular" crowd. Just enjoy the amazing friends you have and realize that being "popular" isn't all it's cracked up to be. 
  • Being an introvert is not a bad thing, though it may seem like it right now. It's who you are and that's ok because that's how God made you. As such, you are a great listener and extremely sensitive to other's feelings. 
  • These are great times, but they're not the best times of your life. It's not all downhill from here. You have many, many more exciting, joyful, and surprising times ahead. 
  • Stop investing so much emotional energy into boys who don't reciprocate your feelings. God's going to bring an AMAZING man into your life in just a few years, and you will be so very glad that you didn't waste your time and emotions on anyone who isn't enthralled with you the way he will be. 

  • Though I know you already do, appreciate and treasure the time you have with your daddy. He won't be here on this earth for as long as you think he will (though he will be there to walk you down the aisle at your wedding!) 

  • Keep being true to yourself and your beliefs. It will be 100% worth it, promise. 

Linking up with Home of Malones and East Coast Chic for Thoughts for Thursday!

Thoughts for Thursday


  1. aw this is so sweet! all of them are true, and i feel the same way to my highschool self - thought i was fat, wanted to be popular, liked all the wrong boys. lol!

  2. Awe! I was the same way in high school, unsure of myself, thought I was fat, didn't hang out with the popular people, etc. I think it made me a stronger person and I am glad I didn't hang out with certain people, I see them now and ummm let's just say I am so glad!!!

  3. Awe! I was the same way in high school, unsure of myself, thought I was fat, didn't hang out with the popular people, etc. I think it made me a stronger person and I am glad I didn't hang out with certain people, I see them now and ummm let's just say I am so glad!!!

  4. This is really sweet!!! So many things I would tell myself - especially when it comes to guys!

  5. Man, oh man... I'd kill for my younger body but you couldn't PAY me to revert to my younger mind. These are SPOT ON!

  6. I'm with you and Amanda, I would kill for my high school body, so dumb that I thought I was fat back then. So many of these things would be on my list too.


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