Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday Favorites

Well, here we are again, we have survived the week! I was actually pleasantly surprised by how quick it went for me. Here are the things that made me smile this week:

Favorite song:
Not a new one, but I came across this one on Pandora this week and was reminded how much I love this song! It's a great one to belt out in the car and pretend you sound as good as Carrie does.

Favorite Food:

Definitely these tacos! We had them for dinner Wednesday and then I had delicious leftovers for lunch the next day! I would give you a recipe, but it consists of buy taco shells and other assorted taco fixins, brown meat with seasonings, heat up some refried beans and cut up some tomatoes and lettuce. You're welcome.

They were SO good though (I guess I was craving tacos and didn't realize it?) which is good because I bought three boxes of taco shells on sale with a coupon and I am NOT letting them get stale so that I have throw them away! I hope Adam is cool with tacos for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the next couple of weeks.

Favorite purchase:


PLAID FLANNEL SHIRT! Ahem. Sorry, got excited there. And I felt a tiny hint of fall in the air tonight, so at this rate I will be able to wear this shirt 3 weeks from now! 

Favorite workout:

Lower fix

I have a love/hate relationship with this workout. As in, I love how I feel when it's over and I got through it, and I love the results (toned quads and calves FTW!), but I hate how I feel like my legs are going to fall off and I'm going to die in the middle of squats. 

Favorite funnies:

Have a fabulous weekend, lovelies!

Link it up!

Meet @ the Barre


  1. Simple tacos are never a bad idea, right? I feel like I can relate like 110% to both the e-cards about coffee filters, and the one about adults ;) Have a great weekend!

  2. oh my gosh the day after leg day- hilarious! i love tacos and had them the other night - love love. i have never put refried beans on them though! have a good weekend!

  3. Those tacos look so good. I might have to make some soon.

  4. Tacos are always a hit in my book!! And I totally feel you on Lower Fix...sometimes, I can't walk down the stairs without wondering if I look like your picture. It KILLS me!!! So glad I stopped by!! I can't wait to read more!

  5. bahaha that day after leg day is so on point!! How I feel after a workout all the time!!! And now i want tacos!! Hope you have a great weekend!

  6. Day after leg day...just yes! And I love your new shirt!!! And those tacos..mmm mmm! Hope you have a great weekend!

  7. Love that song and that pin is soooooooo true about leg day. Woof, I'm totally feeling today!

  8. I went to Old Navy today and they have the cutest plaid/flannel shirts. I had to stop myself from buying them all lol :)

  9. i'm obsessed with plaid fnanel shirts, so cozy and comfy for fall!

  10. Waking up earlier than you absolutely have to... is that actually a thing that people do?!?! ;P


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