Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday Faves

We have arrived at yet another weekend! We have a wedding cake to deliver this weekend, and I REALLY need to clean the house, but I plan to squeeze some fun in too! Like the 2 for $5 Charming Charlie's sale...

Favorite song: 
Mariah Carey- Always Be My Baby

Sometimes you just want to listen to the classics! 

Favorite food: 
Ben and Jerry's Everything But The...

I don't know why I look kinda mad in this picture, cuz I so wasn't. How could I be, when eating a delicious tub of heaven? 

Favorite purchase: 
You guys, I was very very bad and went shopping after work last night but Old Navy is having a storewide sale and I found the cutest and most comfy shirt and pants EVAR. The pants didn't have a price on them so I took them up to the register and crossed my fingers- 47 cents! That's forty and seven cents!! And the shirt was only $14! And now I have the perfect Sunday lounging/out to lunch/out to coffee outfit! 

I love how soft and stretchy both the shirt and pants are, and I love how the shirt has the longer back to cover the bum! It's actually a miracle I didn't spend a lot more money, so I'm good with it. 

Favorite Links: 
I just found Amanda's blog and really enjoyed this post. So well written! Check it out! 

Definitely saving this list of Amanda's (another Amanda!) about must haves from Trader Joe's!  

If you've ever been on a conference call, you will appreciate this

Favorite Funnies: 

My life, every morning. 

This is so sadly accurate: 

I don't even know, it just makes me laugh: 

 Everyone get out there and have a fantabulous weekend!

Linking up with September Farm, Blogs Like A Girl, Momfessionals, and Meet at the Barre!


The Grits Blog - Little Friday Linkup


  1. Yeah so excited you liked that post! I had to be all incognito there taking all the pictures ;-)

  2. I love your new shirt - I mean it just says it all!! The camera funny - so freaking true!! Have a great weekend and I hope you get all your to-do's done! xo

  3. I might need to go to Old Navy and get some new comfy pants!

  4. Forty-seven cents?!! That is the best deal on pants ever. EVER!!!

    I need to do some shopping. Maybe I'll take care of that this afternoon from the comfort of my couch because I am not fit to be around human beings in public.

  5. I am sorry......47 cents?!?! How is that even possible!?!? Deal of the year right there! Or maybe ever! Wow!

    LOL at the camera app! My life! And my alarms on my phone look similar only I tell my fat ass to get out of bed and go work out after the first one. Haha!

  6. OMG - 47 cents?! Pretty much the deal of the century - you must have been on a such a shoppers high after that! haha And Always Be My Baby is such a classic - love it! Have a great weekend!

  7. That shirt is fabulous!!! As is B&Js ice cream, yum!!!!

  8. 47 cents?! thats amazing! i love when that happens at old navy, i have bought a few things for under $1 and it's always like OMG when you get to the register

  9. ahahaha...I enjoyed your fav. funnies! Thanks for the laugh. Enjoy a restful weekend, Julia :)

  10. Oh your funnies are too cute! I especially love the Alarm sequence one. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Ha! love your funnies girl!! And I like that sunday funday tee. Cute!

  12. Love that Mariah song. Her old stuff in the best. Ben and Jerry's is amazing! I eat the whole pint in one sitting!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle


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