Monday, October 27, 2014

Just another manic Monday...

Welcome to another week! This weekend was weird for me. Adam was out of town at an RC event so I was home by myself. He hardly ever goes out of town so it feels REALLY weird when he's not here! Plus my friend had to work all weekend so my plans with her got cancelled. However I made the most of it by shopping, watching Beverly Hills 90210 episodes on Amazon Prime, and cleaning like crazy.

I did have a wedding cake to deliver to a restaurant in St. Augustine on Saturday, which if you've never driven
through streets built for carriages in an SUV with tons of people walking in front of your car and a wedding cake in the back, and then had to illegally park in front of a stop sign to deliver the cake, that's lots of fun.

I do feel really accomplished though! I cleaned pretty much the entire house, including the blinds. I dusted the blinds, you guys. That's hard core. I also got all of the laundry done, finished decorating my front door for Fall (it's about time!) and got almost all of my addresses for the Christmas Party invites! Ok, I'll stop bragging on myself now and show you some pictures of my super wild and crazy weekend (which may or may not have included eating macaroni and cheese for dinner twice. I can't be bothered with cooking just for myself):

Scarves from Charming Charlie's 2 for $5 sale! 
Wedding Cake

Totally necessary Pumpkin Pie Donut, my reward for delivering the cake. 
Fall decor! 

Waiting for daddy to get home

One of our traditions this time of year

 How was your weekend? Link it up and tell us about it!

Weekend Recap



  1. Sounds like a good weekend! The cake is gorgeous. And I'm loving your entryway decor.

  2. oh we love watching that movie around this time of year as well :) that cake looks amazing, and that donut too... yum. i hate cooking for myself as well, mac and cheese sounds perfect!

  3. A 90210 marathon sounds amazing!!! You did such a wonderful job on the cake - it's beautiful!! I can't imagine dusting the blinds - it really is a hard task!!

  4. Those scarves look amazing as does the cake!

    Love all the fall decor!

  5. Your decorations are beautiful! Happy Monday!

  6. I'm obsessed wtih your fall cute! And doesn't it feel so great to come off a weekend of cleaning. Enjoy and hope you have a great week! {Visiting from linkup}

  7. That cake is gorgeous!!! I'm so glad you shared a photo because I was anxiously awaiting it. Pumpkin pie donut, stop it. I want one! Your holiday decor is just beautiful!

  8. Sounds like you made the most of your weekend alone! That cake is beautiful! And I love your fall door decor! I got lazy this year and didn't even bring out all our stuff. Now I will just wait til Christmas stuff. Haha. Oops.

    Have a great week!

  9. Sometimes it's good to have an alone weekend. And #noshame on mac and cheese by yourself. It's delicious!

  10. Wait you cleaned the blinds?? I am super impressed that is like spring cleaning style there! That cake came out amazing and that donut looks so good girl! Cheers to a successful weekend!

  11. Your cake is gorgeous! And dusting the blinds is hard core! I only do that like once a year or something...

  12. LOVE Sleepy Hollow! Definitely on my Halloween movie much watch list :)

    Thanks for linking up with MMG!

  13. A pumpkin pie donut!? I need this in my life right now!

  14. Thanks for linking up! Your cake looks great! Cleaning the blinds is pretty hardcore! Love your fall decor!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle


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