Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Ac-centuate the Positive

I've been feeling kind of overwhelmed with just life stuff lately and it's trying to get me down. But I hate being a negative nellie, so I've decided to write out a list of all of the positive things going on, the things I'm proud of or excited about.

* I totally nailed my nutrition and workouts last week and lost 7 pounds on the scale from last Sunday to Monday morning. I know a good bit of that was water weight but it still feels great to be back on track! And getting rid of that much water weight I can see and tell a difference in how my clothes are fitting again!

* Because I've gotten rid of the bloat I'm seeing some of the definition in my muscle that I've been working so hard to get the last couple of months.

* I knew meal planning totally worked for me, but I am amazed at how much better it goes when I have it typed out in a spreadsheet, printed, and hung on my refrigerator, as opposed to just saved on the computer. Turns out I NEED it in front of my face every morning when I'm packing my lunch and snack for the day. And for some reason doing it with cute fonts and colors seems to help too. I'm easily amused.

* Our BBQ party is this Saturday and I'm so excited! I have some fun recipes I'm looking forward to making for that and it will be so good to hang out with friends.

* I have the day off this Friday so I get a three day weekend, WOOP! Plus that will give me extra time to get the house ready for the party.

* I don't have it hung on the wall yet, but my gallery wall is all in frames and ready to go and I LOVE it! It's taken me some time to get together because I was trying to use as much "found" stuff as I could to avoid spending too much, but it's really come together nicely.

* I've been getting more responsibility at the job lately, and I'm receiving some great positive feedback on my work!

* I made a new 21 DF friendly recipe for Chicken Enchilada Soup over the weekend and it was delicious! It's perfect for dinner and as leftovers for lunch the next day.

* Since I made that and I actually really enjoyed cooking it, it's inspired me to take on more new recipes to put some variety in the dinner rotation.

* Adam and I spent half the day Sunday just relaxing and sleeping and eating pancakes for brunch, and it's the best day I've had in a while.

See? I feel better already! What are some good things going on in your life?


  1. Congrats on all the positive feedback you're getting at work and woo hoo for 7 pounds lost - that is amazing! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  2. Yay on all of the positive thoughts! That's super exciting that you've lost 7 pounds and are noticing the change in your body. High five, girlfriend! It's always nice to focus on the positives in your life than focusing on what's not going well :)

  3. I have been in a huge funk lately, so it is good to see someone focus on the positives!!! Congrats on the 7 lbs that is awesome!!! Share your secrets :) I hope you have a great time at your BBQ and I cant wait to see your gallery wall completed.

  4. Love this! I've been having a rough couple of weeks but last night Jared and I just popped a fun movie in, talked about fun stuff, laughed and focused on the good that IS all around us! It's easy to forget sometimes amidst the chaos but your post was an awesome reminder :)

  5. sorry you've been feeling down girly, but that his a whole lot of things to be happy and positive about! congrats on the weight loss, i have lost 2lbs but i'm over the moon, who cares?! maybe i need to start printing my meal planning out, it might help me actually stick to it!

  6. Congrats on the weight loss! 7 pounds is awesome! Sounds like you have a lot to be thankful for otherwise! I'm so jealous you get Friday off. It will definitely come into use to help you get prepped for your party and get started organizing the food. Hope things start looking up for you!

  7. YOU GO GIRL...all amazing things to be proud of! How do you make your meal plan, with Excel? I really enjoyed yours and I need to try it. If I don't have a plan I fail miserably...and right now I need to lose ALOT of weight! Any help or suggestions would be SO appreciated. Congratulations on all the good things going on!

  8. You've got lots to be proud and thankful for! I know how tough it is to get out of a negative mindset, but it sounds like you know how to think positively. Hope you have a better week!

    1. Thank you so much! I am definitely trying to keep looking at the bright side! :)

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  9. You are doing awesome girl! Glad you are keeping it positive!

  10. Meal planning seriously makes my entire life easier. I always tried to do it at home and the weeks that I did things would just go so much smoother. But now that I'm a "family manager" (think...fancy word for nanny), it has changed my world. I made Monday my meal planning/ grocery shopping day. It's so much easier when the kids whine "what's for dinner" knowing what to answer with. Also--I'm hugely proud of you for taking a hot minute to think about the positives when everything doesn't feel so positive. <3

  11. You got this lady!!! Proud of you for choosing to see the positive!

  12. It's always good to stop and look at the positive silver linings. Once you write them down you realize you're doing much better than you ever would've thought! Keep it up! I'm curious about this Chicken Enchilada soup recipe too...

  13. I love this post and cannot wait for your Weekend Recap post about the party!! Yay for having the day off Friday, I'm off Monday and so looking forward to it! It's amazing how much of a difference printing something off and in your face makes!!! Happy Friday!

  14. Hooray! Talking about the positives always makes me happier too - in fact, reading YOUR positives makes me happier! Congrats on killing it at your job, and now I'm going to have to try putting workout plans, etc in fun fonts...why didn't I think of this sooner???



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