Wednesday, April 15, 2015


You guyyyssss...I am totally off my blogging game this week and I'm sorry! I was slammed with work last night so I was like guess I'm not going to get a post up tomorrow but then I was like whatev, I can totally just type one now and hit publish, right? SO here's some confeshuns, better late than never?

*BTDubs thank you all for your sweet words on yesterday's post! Y'all are the literal best!*

* I pretty much spent an entire DAY last week watching Buzzfeed videos. Like ALL day. #superproductive

* I've been really good with nutrition the last two weeks but since this weekend is our party I'm totally going to cheat and I'm not even sorry. I've been saving a little pack of Cadbury Creme Eggs that I bought on clearance this past weekend, plus I will be indulging in all the party goodies. #partay

* I just saw a pin on Pinterest (obvious girl is obvious) about "How to kick your addiction to sugar" and no lie, my first thought was, "But I don't want to, I LIKE my addiction to sugar..."

* I just got my April Birchbox and while I like it there is ANOTHER set of shampoo and conditioner samples and between that and Influenster and some others my shampoo and conditioner collection is getting out of hand! At this rate I won't have to buy more until I'm 40. I think there's a place on Birchbox to tweak your preferences and I should probably get on that before we have to build a separate shower just for my samples. #maybeaslightexaggeration

* We had to cancel our Charleston trip. #sadface BUT I am choosing to look at the bright side, I still get to spend that weekend with my honey and we're going to do some things around here and maybe explore some new restaurants we haven't tried before!

Like maybe this place. OH MY WORD. 

* I was sent a Jamberry kit to try and I am both excited and a little terrified because I know my track record with nails and I'm afraid they're going to end up looking something like this:

* I'm pretty sure it should be considered a form of torture to make someone who is on a diet carry 5 boxes of hot, delicious, aromatic pizza. 

The End. 

Making Melissa

#Hashtaghumpday @ Life with Lolo

Hump Day Happenings


  1. oh no, sad face about cancelling your trip! i've been there though :( not to charleston, lol but to cancelling your trip town. also, having a party is my favourite excuse to eat all the food.

  2. Oh my that biscuit looks delicious! YUM!!! Sad that you had to cancel your trip, but staycations are just as good sometimes :) And I had to laugh at at the sugar addiction comment because I feel the same way but I really need to kick it!

  3. I'm sorry you had to cancel your Charleston trip, but yay for still spending time together and having fun :)

    And yay for all the party food and Cadbury eggs.. yum!

  4. Sorry to hear about your trip, but you are definitely going to find some great places to check out in jax!! Let me know if you need any recommendations! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  5. Good luck with Jamberry- supposedly once you get the hang of it they are amazing but it was rough for me. And I think have the confessions today are about Cadbury Eggs- y'all are not helping my addiction :)

  6. i felt the same way last week- you will get back into it! and buddy the elf is my favorite- i dressed up as him for halloween 2008- wig and all and it was SO fun!! so sad about your trip :(

  7. Yes!! go to that place with that biscuit and take all the yummy pictures!!! I have no idea how you carried pizza and didn't eat it. That is some amazing willpower right there -- once I smell it, I gotta have it!

  8. You deserve a break every now and then. Enjoy those buzzfeed videos if it makes you happy! Also, I want to try jamberry so bad!

    1. Haha thanks it definitely made me happy, I was cracking up at all of them! I will let you all know how my Jamberry experience goes!

  9. That would be serious torture, carrying the pizzas - and I'm with you - sugar addiction is bad? Don't care haha.

  10. I've been feeling off my blogging game too. #noshame I'm the same way with sugar! I don't think I would want to kick my sugar addiction!

  11. There's plenty of times when I'm on Pinterest and I see pins about stopping/fixing something that I don't really think needs to be fixed! ;)

  12. bummer about having to cancel the trip!! And I think that's the main reason I WON'T do birchbox!

  13. Haha, that pizza fitness pic is awesome! Sugar addiction is real and I'm looking to tweak it over the next month...never getting rid of it! I understand you on having to cancel a trip, but sometimes it's just what you gotta do.

  14. im tryin to be healthy and not eating sugar is killing me...

  15. Such a bummer about having to cancel your trip but it sounds like you made the most out of it! Also about Buzzfeed...seriously it is my new "Facebook." I could spend hours on there! It's dangerous!!


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