Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Confessions: Pet Peeves

I'm really not a super peevy person, I'm pretty laid back and chill most of the time. BUT. There are just some things that get under my skin. Here are a few:

* When you invite someone to a party or some other event and they say something like, "Oh that sounds great, I'll let you know!" and then they will not commit one way or the other and it really kind of seems like they're just waiting for something better to come along, until the day before (or day of) the event they are like, "Oh I can't come, bummer!" Is it so hard to commit to something? I mean, I get that sometimes you have to check your calendar and it might be a few days before you know for sure, and I also get that things come up last minute, but as a general rule it shouldn't take months for you to decide if you want to attend an event. Yes or no. #commitmentphobe

* When someone says "You look SO tired!" Oh well thank you so much. I feel really awesome about my appearance now. #rude

*I've mentioned this one before, but when I'm reading and someone's asks "What are you reading?" I always feel so awkward because it's like what do they expect me to say?? "A book"? Do they want to know the title which will most likely tell them nothing unless it's really well known or they've read it themselves? Do they want a full synopsis of the book? Like what is expected of me in this situation? It's very uncomfortable. #introvertstatus

*"I could care less". Well, ok. Then care less if you want to. Or is that a threat? Like, "I could care less if I wanted to, so watch yourself." Ohhh, you mean you couldn't care less. I see. #sarcasm

*When people feel the need to argue with a complete stranger about something on Facebook. I don't just mean a friendly difference of opinion. I mean the times where someone is having a full blown, name calling, ragey fight with someone they don't even know. I mean what is that? Do they actually feel like they are accomplishing something by doing this? Do they think they're going to change the person's mind via an FB fight? Is it entertaining for them? I'm genuinely curious. #facebookprobs

*"I seen..." It is truly disturbing how many people say it this way.

*When people are on their phone the WHOLE time you're hanging out or having dinner or whatever. I mean looking at your phone a few times is fine, heck, I have to pull out my phone to take pictures of my food a few times #fortheblog, so I get it. But it's one thing to check your phone a few times or take some pics and it's a completely different matter to be scrolling through FB or Twitter or whatever the entire time. Remember back in the olden times when we used to only look at our phone when it was ringing or we got a text message? I'm talking waaaay back, like 2006 or something.

Ok, I'm done complaining. Are any of these your pet peeves? Am I just neurotic? (Entirely possible)

#Hashtaghumpday @ Life with Lolo

Making Melissa

Hump Day Happenings


  1. You are not neurotic at all because yesss to all of these (or maybe I'm just neurotic too- haha!). But seriously that first one drives me absolutely insane- just commit! The worst is a maybe response with no explanation, which basically means they'll come if something better doesn't pop up!

  2. Not neurotic. The facebook thing drives me crazy -- and it doesn't even stop there. Like with the insults on instagram and Twitter. Like, let's all just be nice to each other, ok? And the "I seen...." agree. :)

  3. "I Seen" happens a lot in DUVAL...girl I went to Wolfson I heard it first hand LOL! Oh god I still remember the first text I ever got and I was like why is she texting me, cant she just call! LOL...I am trying to be more conscious and not using my phone at dinner -except for pictures! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  4. ALL of these bother me, too. Especially the grammar ones. Drive me nuts. I honestly don't know how to answer the "what are you reading" either but mostly because so many of the people I know in real life don't read (I don't understand this but whatever) and I know they just don't care about the answer so I'm usually just a jerk and say "this" and hold up the book so they can read the cover. #notevensorry

  5. Haha YES! People on their phone all the time drive me nuts, couldn't agree more.

  6. Don't even get me started on people not rsvping! Hahah after the wedding I could rant about this forever! So many people did not respond but we were having plated served dinner so I had to call each one and get their rsvp and dinner order. Thanks for wasting my stamp people, haha!

  7. What a good post idea! I hate not knowing if people are coming or not – just give an answer! I don’t get the constant phone use! I mean I’m guilty of looking a few times during meals, but not the whole time – recently we were out and talking about how crazy it was that so many people around us had phones glowing in their faces!

  8. People tell me I look tired every single day. I'm convinced they're doing it now just to hear a snarky come back

  9. ohh i so agree with you on this! i have the I could care less! that's just so annoying - GREAT!!! Get over it is what I want to tell them!

  10. I'm kinda bad about the "I'll let you know!" thing, I have to admit. I blame it on the introversion- sometimes after a bad day I just don't have the energy to make nice :(

    But I totally agree about the book question! It's so awkward.

  11. Ugh this stuff gets to me too! The reading thing especially. Why does everyone want to talk to me when I'm trying to escape?

  12. I love this post. I nodded along to them all. I personally must admit that I love watching a good FB brawl that I am not involved in. It's like Real Housewives of the internet, lol!

  13. Yes to the first one!! It's fine if you don't come, just make a freakin decision already. I hate the book, thing when you are in public and it is just some random stranger. Clearly, I'm reading so I don't have to interact :)

  14. Yes to all of these!!!! People that argue with strangers on the internet in general are absolutely ridiculous. Even better when their grammar is atrocious. It's like....yes, please tell me how wrong I am since you don't know the different between there/their and other super simple words.

  15. WHEN I AM READING. ESPECIALLY if it's a book/magazine/not an e-reader. when you ask me what I'm reading, I assume that means that you CAN'T read because the title is CLEARLY on the book. if you're going to interrupt me, at least be like "oh I have heard so much about that book, how is it?" also. the caring less. I always correct people. which oddly enough makes them mad....

  16. Yes to all of these! I hate when people won't commit to a party. I mean, am I cooking for five people or thirty people? Huge difference! I'm the same way with books!

  17. Oh I love the pics you chose for this post. Funny lady suggesting putting his phone on her forehead so he can look at her.
    I always get asked about what I'm reading but my revenge is that I launch into a full book report, giving WAY more information than the asker expected ;-)

    1. LOL love that! Next time I will just give them a 30 minute synopsis and review, haha! ;)

  18. I hate when people say "you look so tired" I just don't have makeup on today..leave me alone! ha!
    The Lady Lawyer

  19. Everytime someone says a sentence that starts with "I could care less" I can't focus on anything that comes after those four words! Hello! You mean COULDN'T

  20. "i seen..." gives me the most rage.

  21. The one about random fights with strangers on facebook is the one I just don't understand. I've seen quite a few over on Instagram and I just don't understand who has time for that or wants to spend their energy on that.

  22. The you look so tired/sick is one of the things I hate most. You definitely get a nasty glare from me if you say that. What am I supposed to take that as? It's irritating and comes as an insult.

    As for cell phones it was becoming so bad with my group of friends that we instated a rule. Every time we hang out we put our cell phones in a pile on the table and whoever is the first to reach for theirs has to buy everyone a round a drinks. Being we're all 20-somethings on tight budgets it's safe to say we all have many more phone free interactions. It's nice.

  23. Oh man checking your phone while you're out with someone is one of my worst pet peeves. I mean checking it briefly is fine if it's an emergency situation, but staying on it to check your social media pages, text other people etc. is SO beyond rude.

  24. hahaha!! I love the "what are you reading" - so true! All of these are good (and I agree completely!)

  25. I correct people and say, "You mean you COULDN'T care less?" and then they look at me like I'm the asshole. Oops.

    Lots of people on my Facebook feed say "I seen." It drives me insane.

  26. Such a good point about the book thing - I never thought about how awkward it feels when people ask you. I never know what to say either! Also about the phone use thing...YES. I remember one time my fiance and I were out to dinner with my mom and a guyfriend. The guyfriend has a really bad habit of using his phone during social stuff, so halfway through dinner my mom literally slapped it out of his hand and went "You can put that away now!" GO MOM. This is why she's my hero! lol

  27. I totally agree with so many of these!! The "I could care less" thing kills me! And I have a friend who cannot be away from her phone for more than 5 seconds, even when she's catching up with me over dinner. It is so frustrating.

  28. One of my friends in college was a huge commitment phobe and would always say "I'll let you know!" Mostly it was for going out or whatever, but still! And yes to the phone! My husband is constantly on his and all he does is scroll through Facebook or steals my phone. Like, hi. I'm right here sitting in front of you!

  29. Oh my god I can't stand when people can't commit to something! I really feel like people do this kind of thing for formal events like weddings these days too. Its like why did they even invent the RSVP if you are NEVER GOING TO USE IT! Ugh!

  30. Ugh he the RSVP thing grinds my gears! And yessss to "I seen...." Ugh lol

  31. The facebook thing....YES, like...are you bored? how do you have that much time to argue with a stranger? and yes about the phone thing too...SO rude!

  32. Girl... you are so stinkin funny! I love these posts of yours! Yes to all of these pet peeves! Your gifs crack me up! Thanks for the chuckle. The struggle is real :)

    1. Aw, thanks girl! So glad you enjoyed it, glad to give you a chuckle! The struggle is totally real, lol!

  33. i cannot stand people on their phones when we are out together. if my phone rings or i get a text i'll answer it (unless it's not important) but i don't instagram or check facebook - it irks me so much when people do that!! i could care less what your friends are doing, what about what we are doing right now?! and yes that was a joke ;) i laughed so hard 'i could care less, watch yourself' hahaha

  34. I HATE THE PHONE THING! Ugh, my friend does that every time we go out and it drives me crazy. I totally get checking it if you got a text, etc., but she just scrolls through Instagram and Facebook endlessly the entire time. Like, am I boring you? Could you not act like you're interested in my company? Ugh. But of course it's too weird to say something about it so I let it go. #passiveproblems

  35. I HAVE the non committing people thing too! So many of my friends are so flaky like that - and ask questions like who's coming - as if that's going to sway them? Either you want to come or you don't. Tell me like it is!

  36. OH MY GOSH YES. The Facebook arguing thing is so ridiculous. I can't stand when people say, "I could care less" and, "I seen." Another thing I hate (that I've only ever seen two people do) is "thank-you." THEY'RE TWO WORDS, NOT HYPHENATED! The phone thing irritates me too. And asking what I'm reading...well, I'm trying to read, not have a conversation with you. I hate the, "you look tired," thing, mostly because it always always always happens because I skip makeup for a day. And yep, I hate the flakey thing. Figure it out and then say yes or no!

  37. I'm fighting a (losing) one-woman battle against smartphone culture--between the two of us, Angel and I own one Nokia "candy-bar" phone--believe me, there's nothing worth looking at on that screen unless I'm actually typing out a text. :)
    I've had friends before who won't commit to an event--personally, I follow a rule of saying "Yes" to all invitations unless it's actually impossible for me to attend.

  38. YEP!!!!!!!! AGREED! These made me laugh because I see them regularly and they really are annoying!


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