Friday, May 8, 2015

Friday Favorites

Well. Apparently you all identified with my pet peeves because that is the most comments I have ever gotten on a post! I'm not alone in my peeviness (not a word)! And isn't that what blogging is all about, learning you're not as weird as you thought you were? I say yes. Thank you all for chiming in the other day, I love all my blogging pals! :)

P.S. I suck and got behind yesterday so I have not responded to all of your lovely comments yet, but I promise I will! If you don't get a response, it's because you're a no-reply blogger and I can't find your email anywhere so I can't email you my response! #sadpanda

So it's Friday, hallelu! This week went pretty quick for me, but for some reason yesterday draaaagged, so I'm pretty happy to be on to the weekend!

Here are my favorites for the week:

Favorite Song: 

Jason Derulo- Want to Want Me

This song is SO dang catchy! And I love this AMAZING cover, this girl is incredible!

Favorite video: 


Jimmy Fallon and Jack Black recreate the "More Than Words" music video. Epic-ness. 

Favorite Recipe: 

A Hot Southern Mess
This Sriracha Lime Chicken from A Hot Southern Mess! I can't wait to try this! 

Favorite post: 

A Cup of Tay
I cannot wait to try some of these Starbucks drinks that Taylor over at A Cup of Tay shared! I'm so boring when I order Starbucks, I always order the same stuff, right off the menu. I need to branch out! 

Favorite Funnies: 

I mean, you know, whatever gets you through the day...

Oh, Oatmeal. 

This is a legitimate phenomenon. 

Me with pretty much every book and TV series:

Link up with us and share your favs too! Love ya ladies, have a great weekend! 


  1. How did I not know they recreated more than words - that is amazing!!! My husband would love that chicken recipe!! I hope you have a great weekend girl! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. I pretty much love any and everything Jimmy Fallon does -- the man can do no wrong!! That sriracha lime chicken looks amazing! Hope you have a great weekend sweet girl!!

  3. I'm so pumped you shared the Starbucks article! Can't wait to try something new!

  4. oh my gosh that last one, hilarious. i'm the same! that recipe looks delish - I'm with B, my husband would love it! have a good weekend love :)

  5. LOLing at that Tumblr post about attractive people. Hahahah!

  6. THANK YOU for featuring me!! You'll have to let me know what you decide to try when you get adventurous at Starbucks :) I totally thought of you the other day at Dunkin' - almost sprung for the butter pecan iced latte but ended up going back to my usual (guess I'm a creature of habit as well!). Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

  7. ooooh my god that More Than Words is TOO great. like. I'm crying.

  8. That cover is amazing!! I love her voice.

  9. Haha, these are great. And that IS kind of an awesome way to not get jealous about beautiful people. Love it.

  10. That siracha chicken recipe is going to have to find it's way to our menu, thanks for sharing!

  11. Mmm that chicken recipe looks delicious! Pinning! Also, that is how I am with a book or TV series too. So much so! I am going to have to come back and listen to that song later. Have a great weekend!

  12. I've totally jumped on the sriracha bandwagon so that chicken dish looks amazing to me! I've had that song stuck in my head all week too - so fun and catchy! Hope you have a great weekend! xoxo

  13. that lime chicken looks amazing!

  14. I love that cover of Jason's song!! She nailed it for real!! Now when I hear the song, I hear her voice in my head lol.

    Have a great weekend doll!

  15. Jimmy and Jack... I can't even! hahaha I am loving that cover! I have not heard her before!

  16. Whoop woop congratulations on your most comments ever! That's got to be excited :) agreed on the Jason Derulo song. His music is the catchiest, it just is.


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