Monday, June 8, 2015

$240 Paypal CASH Giveaway!!

Hey y'all, I'm so not prepared with a post this morning BUT I wanted to make sure you had a chance to enter this giveaway because CASH!

We are celebrating Emelia's Blogiversary all this week with some giveaway fun, so make sure to enter below! Happy Monday loves!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Your June Blogiversary Host Ladies: Emelia, Kerri & Melissa

The Party People & Awesome Co-Hosts: 


  1. Woo hoo!!! Hope you have a great Monday and thanks for the chance to win some cash! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Yay for a giveaway! Happy Monday, Julia! :)

  3. Yayyyy for a big fun giveaway, have a fabulous week gurlie <3


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