Friday, June 5, 2015

Friday Favorites: Forever 21 Edition

So once upon a time, I walked into this store called Forever 21. And I stopped. And stared. And stared. And I think I kind of blacked out for a minute there.

And then I came to and I was like SON OF A NUTCRACKER this is a lot of clothing. There were racks and racks (and racks) of clothes, everywhere I looked with the clothes. I just kind of wandered around the store, ocassionally picking up something and swooning (This shirt is only $5?? WHAT?), and then I would keep walking and walking, trying to figure out where to even begin to find anything. I think I walked for about 10 miles and then I suddenly realized.

There's a second floor.

That's when I knew I was completely overwhelmed and I couldn't take it anymore. Forever 21 had bested me.

(We won't talk about how there were all these girls half my age that were confidently strolling around the store with purpose. They didn't seem to be the least bit daunted.)

BUT all these fabulous bloggy ladies kept talking about F21 and how you can find such awesome things for amazing prices and I was like but HOW because I tried and I couldn't find anything in that place! The more posts I saw with all of these amazing finds the more determined I became. I would conquer this beast (ever so slightly melodramatic maybe).

So like any halfway tech savvy person I took to the internet. I wanted a new dress for a party I was attending and didn't want to spend more than $20 TOPS (Yes, I am cheap). So I went on the website and searched through the dresses and sandals and such, and actually wrote down the names and prices of the ones I liked on actual paper with actual pen (old skool).

After work I went straight to the mall (because that's what you do when your husband is out of town) and this time, I had a PLAN. Just stick to the plan and you'll be fine, I told myself.

And it totally worked. I walked out of there with the cutest dress and sandals you ever did see, all for less than $20. Boom.

And that is the unecessarily long and dramatic story of how I found my new favorite store (after Target of course. Target trumps all).

So if anyone wants to buy me any of the above for my birthday I would not be mad about it. The end.


  1. I love that first halter shirt... its so clean & easy but so cute.

  2. That first white shirt is so me. I love a white shirt.
    I am not a F21 regular but the last time I went in, I came out with these pants that cost $21 and that I wear at least once every week.

  3. I'm with you. Forever 21 is so intimidating! Like I want everything in there, but then I feel so awkward just thumbing through the racks (with a 16 year old watching she judging me? does she know I'm 31?), but I looooove that red dress and maaaaaaybe buying it for post baby! I hope you have a great weekend!

  4. These are all such great finds! I can't get over how cute those floral pi's are!

  5. Love the white tank & floral pj's! That store can be so overwhelming but the finds are worth it sometimes!

  6. I need every single one of these pieces. Forever 21 is amazing!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  7. i love this post! :) forever 21 overwhelms the shit out of me. i never go in anymore, unless i am specifically looking for something simple like a belt or a necklace because they are always in the same spot. other than that, i buy online. but i have had such bad luck with the clothes recently i've just given up!

  8. So many amazing finds, especially loving that first halter top. F21 can definitely be overwhelming. It was my first job in high school, and the stores weren't nearly as big/packed as they are now. I've found that I need to do a second lap, and be willing to "dig" and then I'm usually happy with my successful trip :)

    Happy Friday!

  9. I need that navy pencil skirt in my life like, yesterday.

  10. That skirt is gorgeous. F21 is always so overwhelming and I usually end up trying on 40 things and only liking 1. Plus not a lot fits me there - I guess that's a draw back of not being 21 anymore. Be wary of washing items too - their quality reflects the price and they wear out quickly. The best part of F21 though? The accessory area. I could spend hours in that little corner alone. Man all this talk and I'll have to sneak over there next week, or maybe this weekend...

  11. Love that navy skirt. I so need to go to Forever 21, you can find great stuff there. Happy Friday!!

  12. Love that halter shirt!!!! And maybe I should give forever 21 another shot!

  13. I love the first outift and the PJ set and yes the store can be overwhelming!!

  14. I love all your picks!!!! I always see so many cute stuff on other people from there but I cant shop there. Nothing fits me right and I don't see tons of cute stuff when I am there like I see online from others. But more power to those who can get awesome deals there! I am totally jealous!!!

  15. These are fabulous picks! I haven't been in forever 21 in so long, but I definitly need to make a trip. The skit is awesome and the pj set is so cute! I'd probably wear the top by itself ;)


  16. Ohhh, I'm loving those gold sandals! I have been hearing more and more about how F21 has stepped up their game. I'm going ot have to give them another try soon! I get so overwhelmed when I go in!

  17. i am LOVING that pencil skirt! sometimes F21 hits it out of the park and have the most surprising work appropriate stuff!

  18. This is exactly how I feel when I physically go into a F21 store. I do most of my shopping online - I can always return it to a store and not have to pay shipping (because I'm cheap) or wait in ridiculously long change room lines. Love all your picks - such classically pretty styles!

  19. I've only very rarely stepped into a Forever21--they are pretty overwhelming! Sounds like you got a really good deal!


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