Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Last week and this week have been a whole new world for me at work and as a result I am struggling to keep up with everything outside of work. Including this blog. So bear with me as I try to navigate the new responsibilities and schedule, I don't know how consistent I will be with posting, and I haven't been able to read and comment on all of your blogs as much as I would like. Which makes me has a sad, but I hope to be able to get into a more consistent routine soon and manage my time for everything better. #changeisgood

In related news I moved to a different desk so I'm at a different computer which apparently only has one browser- IE. I knew I preferred Chrome or Safari but I hadn't used IE in so long that I forgot just how bad it was. Yikes. #spoiled

I think I might be more excited for my birthday than most 5 year olds. Apparently the fact that I'm getting old has yet to make birthdays an unpleasant occasion for me. Because cake. And presents. #i'manadult

I'm not good at waiting on things. I knew this but it's become even more abundantly clear over the last few weeks as we are waiting on some direction and answers for next steps. #patienceisavirtue

I'm still wearing jeans that are about 2 sizes too big for me, and have been for over a year now,  because they're comfortable. Clearly I prize comfort above fashion. Also they make me feel skinny because they're so loose. Please tell me I'm not the only one who does this. #baggyjeansdon'tcare

Really tough workout + not being able to breathe through my nose = I am going to pass out now, bye. 

#Hashtaghumpday @ Life with Lolo

Making Melissa
A Savory Feast


  1. I have one pair of jeans that is my I'm skinny wedding jeans - and when i fit in them it's a good week LOL! Hang in there - the routine will get easier for you! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Haha yes to that going to bed as soon as I get home from work! Too funny!!! And you are not the only one who loves birthdays! I LOOOOVE when it's my birthday!! And penguins... :)

  3. Yes, I do that with baggy pants.

    This year, National Donut Day falls on my birthday so FREE DONUT!!! Combine that with my free Starbucks and it's actually better than cake. But also presents. Birthdays are the best!

    Good luck with the new routine. It'll all fall into place and you'll find balance soon :)

  4. I can totally relate to the patience thing, I'm the worst about having to wait for answers or direction. Drives me crazy. Hope you get adjusted to your new routine soon.

  5. Yup we all have those baggy and skinny pairs of jeans - I often opt for the baggy comforting ones!

    And the inability to breathe through my nose after an intense workout or run - drives me nuts... MUST. CONTROL. BREATHING.

  6. Patience isn't my favorite game to play. In the least bit. And that first meme is how I feel most nights. It's like I get home, eat and watch a show then it is about time for bed. Just awful! I hope you get used to your new schedule :)

  7. FINALLY someone else wears oversized jeans (: Glad to know I am not the only one, they do make me feel skinny...and allergies+working out just don't go together, I feel your pain. Happy Hump Day!

  8. first of all. the hedgehog with the birthday cake <3<3<3<3

    second of all. INTERNET EXPLORER IS THE. WORST. I sent a thank you note to our payroll company when they updated to any browser.

  9. ew internet explorer! my computer only had that when i started, i downloaded chrome before i did anything else lol

  10. I totally get the difficulty of changing a routine at work-hang in there, it'll get better! Ew to IE. I had to use that at one of computers at work, and it was so slow!

  11. Congrats on the new job and hope things settle down for you! What's IE again? I'm surprised you're forced to bring it back from the dead at work.

  12. I have zero patience too, almost to the point of anxiety if I have to wait. I just got a hint that something big is going to happen and waiting is killing me!

  13. I WISH my jeans were too loose- haha, maybe by the end of this month I'll get there ;) Good luck getting settled and into a routine, I've been behind on blog world too!

  14. Ahh I completely understand the patience of waiting. I took over a new position last summer and I am STILL not 100% sure on any given day what my real tasks are. So frustrating some days, but as you said; change is good!

  15. I totally get the jeans thing - I've so done that before! haha good luck with your new stuff at work!!

  16. Sorry the routine is wearing on you, hope everything settles into place soon. And YES to presents and cake...mmmm cake :-D

  17. I feel you girl and major bonus points for busting out a post. I've been opening up blogger every night for a few nights now and I am i've got absolutely Hopefully the new schedule and routine gets better. Can't you download chrome, good lord IE sucks

  18. My birthday is in a month and I like have a mini countdown in my head going because cake and presents never get old ;)

  19. Most of my jeans are way too loose on me, even the skinnies--they are comfortable that way, though I don't like wearing a belt to hold them up. My problem is that everytime, in the store, I consistently decide that the smaller pair doesn't fit and go with the larger pair, only to find that upon really wearing them, they fall off. I don't know how to pick out jeans! I only have two pairs that actually fit my hips.
    Birthdays ARE exciting. I don't think they should ever stop being exciting.

  20. I still get overly excited about my birthday too. It's the one day of the year that's all about you! And presents and cake are great too :)

  21. Our work computers have Internet Explorer and I do not like IE at all! I made sure to get Google Chrome -- it is the only web browser I will use. I use to love Firefox, but for some reason I got irritated with it and stopped using it. I love jeans that aren't insanely tight. Pouring myself into too-small jeans is horrible, I love wearing a baggier pair because they are definitely more comfortable! Happy belated birthday!


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