Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Confessions of a no-good, very bad blogger

I am a horrible blogger, you guys. I didn't really mean to just totally check out this past week, but it happened. I didn't post (obviously) and I didn't read any blogs or comment. I am ashamed.

I think I just needed a break though, I was feeling really worn out and uninspired. I still kind of feel that way, but I'm trying to get back to it and I feel like a confession post is a good way to do that.

- Another thing that was a big fail for me is working out. As in, I didn't do it for two weeks. I started back again on Monday and yikes. My muscles are screaming at me. #outofshapealready

- At work I'm filling in for someone on maternity leave until August, and I'm really starting to hit my stride with everything I'm doing. Just in time to give it up when she gets back. I've learned a lot though and it's always good to cross-train, in case a position in that department opens up in the future.

- I'm trying to switch to hot tea instead of coffee, and while I'm enjoying the tea I still end up having coffee at some point during the day. Kind of defeats the purpose. #addict

- I'm back on my meal plan but I keep thinking of all these new restaurants and dessert places I want to try on the weekends. I just want to eat ice cream and cheeseburgers, is that so wrong? #weekendsarefortreatingyoself

- Hurley reeeaaally needs a haircut and we keep putting it off. He's starting to look like a small sasquatch. #stillcute

- We booked our vacation in the mountains! I am SO excited! The mountains are one of my favorite places in the world, and I can't wait to soak up views like this:

- I took pictures of my 4th of July outfit to do a fashion post and I can't decide if I love them or hate them. #SOnotafashionblogger #awkward

I think that's all I got today. What has everyone been up to??

The Wednesday Showcase

#Hashtaghumpday @ Genuinely Lauren

Making Melissa


  1. That mountain view is just amazing! We always make a trip to Gatlinburg in the winter, I just love looking out over the mountain every morning we are there. I feel your pain about taking time off from working out. I hurt my back last Monday and just started back this Monday. It was rough. Rough rough rough.

  2. Gawd, I am so with your on cheeseburgers and ice cream. I mean, yum. Love the gif you used too!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  3. I can confess to many of these myself. It's the summertime and I think many bloggers are struggling. It's okay. I tell myself my blog isn't changing the world so if I forget a post now and then, everyone will survive #excusesarefun

    That view is beautiful! I need to make a trip to the mountains at some point in my life. I typically stick to beach vacations.

  4. That picture of the mountains is beautiful!

    & no worries. I'm also a terrible blogger. I always start my blog thinking I'm going to put the effort in to make it awesome -- and then life gets in the way and I end up not blogging for a week or two. oops!

  5. lots of bloggers struggle in the summer. that's life! you have to enjoy your life. if you're not feeling blogging, don't do it!

  6. LOL at the Forrest Gump gif.. one of my favorite lines from the movie! You go girl with covering for someone at work and hitting your stride, isn't that a great feeling? And no worries on the bloggy break, the summer is the best time to step away and live life :)

  7. I think it's nice to take a blogging break every once in a while, especially in the summer! I love hot tea, but I totally get the needing more caffeine part. Also a random side note, did you know that Alexis Bledel (who played Rory) actually hates coffee and had soda in her cups during all the coffee scenes? Pretty funny. :)

  8. Haha oh my gosh - I am always picking out what I want to eat on the weekends - sometimes even starting, Thursday, ha! There's just so much deliciousness out there. Blogging breaks especially in the summer I think are such a necessity!

  9. Haha i love the forrest reference! Now I have his voice stuck in my head. Do the post! I'm sure it's better than you think!

  10. I've been posting a lot less frequently lately--it's definitely okay to just take a rest sometimes! :) That vaation you're planning sounds like it'll be pretty awesome!

  11. Welcome back to the blogosphere. Post the pics only if you love them. Your opinion is the one that counts most.

  12. We all need that break...seriously. I think blogger vacations are totally necessary! I'm glad to see you back :)

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  16. Mountains! They look so pretty!! I'm glad you're back -- was about to send a search party for you!! :)

  17. I can't wait to hear more about this mountain vacation! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  18. Mmm, ice cream.

    Breaks are good. Sometimes they help!

  19. I think we all need a break from blogging sometimes. It can get overwhleming so don't feel guilty. I'm the same way with wanting to eat out on the weekends. I just can do a meal plan all week AND on the weekends too.

  20. Yes, Summer is when I really feel the blog land kind of goes quiet and I want to be out doing other stuff. Yes to all the cheeseburgers, desserts and trying new things!!That mountain view is gorgeous I haven't vacationed in the mountains in years!!

  21. Mountain trips are some of my favorite! You’re going to have a blast!

  22. Lol I'm totally doing the same thing right now, trying to switch from coffee to hot tea, but I just love coffee. Starts my day off right.


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