Friday, July 10, 2015


You can never have too much of "The Carlton", amirite??
So glad this week is over! It felt a little extra long since we had Friday off last week. It kind of felt like we should have today off too, I mean why can't 4 day weeks be a thing? I can be just as productive as I am with a 5 day week. Who do we need to talk to about this? It needs to happen.
SO I just found out last night that my in-laws are coming in THIS weekend instead of next weekend like I thought and while that makes me super excited (I LOVE my in-laws, they are like second parents to me) it also makes me realize how not ready my house is! Not that they care at all, they are so laid back and cool, but I'm neurotic about it. So guess who will be cleaning tonight? This girl!
I know, you're super jealous of my crazy Friday night plans.
Other things this week:
1. I've been doing SO much better with my eating and exercise this week, and even have a healthy lunch and snack packed for today, but I'm feeling the pull of the weekend and all the yummy things I want to eat! Why is it SO hard for me to stay on track on the weekends? I feel like it's deeply ingrained in me that Friday= eat it ALL (and I don't mean celery) and that just spills over into the next couple of days and then it's Sunday night and I'm like WHOA what just happened? But seriously, since college this has happened because my friends and I would always go out on Friday nights.
2. I found a new thing to be addicted to: Amazon Prime Music. We've been Prime members for years and taken advantage of the streaming shows and movies but I JUST started exploring the music side of it this week and I am in love! I still like Pandora too, but it's been fun to try something new. I like how with Prime you can skip as much as you want (at least I haven't had a problem with skipping yet?) and how you can pick specific songs and make your own playlists. I can't wait to make one for running!

3. I'm also absolutely loving Netflix, duh. I don't know why it took us so long to get it. We've been exploring all of the options and there are SO many shows and movies I can't wait to watch! I just discovered that they have Drop Dead Diva, total guilty pleasure right there. I never got to watch any of the last season, so I don't know what happens at the end and I'm excited to be able to watch it all the way through!

4. Quote of the week: "I'm just trying to figure out if I would rather be skinny or happy." Said by me to Adam last night when trying to decide whether to order fried chicken and fries or a salad for dinner. I chose the salad. This time.

5. There's nothing like a week full of working out after two weeks of not working out to make you realize how in shape you are NOT.

Have a lovely weekend ladies!


  1. 4 day work weeks with no question should be a thing! Why did a 5 day work week every become the norm :'( Eating healthy on the weekends has always been a struggle for us too. It's so hard to stay on track but you also need to splurge a little bit. Enjoy your weekend with the in-laws! Winks and Eyerolls

  2. lol skinny vs happy. you're hilarious. congrats on eating healthy, i have not been doing so well. i am actually excited because we don't have a ton of plans this weekend so i will finally be able to really clean the house. how's that for lame? lol

  3. I totally agree about the 4 day work weeks, and it seems to be a mutual feeling across the board so why hasn't it happened?! At least once a month.. come on people!

    Happy Friday gurlie :-D

  4. I think you made me realize that I need to re-watch all of drop dead diva - it was such a great show!! Side note there is a company that has started the 4 day work week and everyone still get's paid a normal salary - can i work there!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  5. I need t check out the Amazon Prime music as well! Been a member for a while but haven't taken advantage of the music or the movies either!

  6. Spotify is still my go-to but Amazon Music is a great alternative. I like it better than Apple's streaming service and I really like that it's included with your yearly membership so no extra monthly fee. Do you use the cloud service for pictures? I'm wondering how that is.

    Enjoy your cleaning :) Have fun with the in-laws!!!

  7. I am all for making the four day workweek a thing! Where do I sign? Hehe! Have so much fun with the in-laws! Thank you for sharing about Prime music because I have Prime and wasn't aware that was a thing!

  8. My entire life is spent deciding if I want to be skinny or happy LOL. Like, literally every darn meal! I am like you, I do pretty well during the week but then on Saturday Chris is all World of Beer? Moe's BBQ? And I have all the things. One day we will (probably not) learn. Haha! And I sign up for 4 day work weeks as well. Let's get the ball rolling. Have fun with your in laws this weekend!

  9. First off - I love the Fresh Prince! Carlton is the best! I'm the same way as you with visitors - if anyone is coming over I clean like crazy... and get annoyed when people don't return the favor.


  10. OMG I laughed out loud at the last picture about being sore or seriously injured after working out. That is totally what I am going to think tomorrow morning after I went to the gym tonight for the first time in weeks! Have a great weekend!

  11. Yes to four day work weeks!! I agree, I can still get all my work done. Always the Carlton, can't have too much fun and I'm always trying to decide if I want to be skinny or happy. I've mostly chosen happy, but I'm working on that. I've been cleaning and putting things back to place since my parents return home tonight and I've been house sitting. Lots of things to do. Have a great weekend with the in-laws!!

  12. You are now the second person to tell me how much they love Amazon Prime music (as I've been considering what streaming service to use) and I may need to check it out since I'm already a Prime member!

  13. Hope you had a great weekend with your in-laws! And YES to 4 day weekends.

  14. It took us so long to get Netflix too but I am so loving it now! Hope you had a great weekend!

  15. I didn't know Amazon prime had music! This could be life changing! :) Also, I am so bad about eating well on the weekends too. I just go totally off track. Why is that?!

  16. I hope you had a great wknd with the in laws. I'm looking forward to hearing all about it.

  17. I loved Drop Dead Diva! Netflix is amazing. Amazon Prime TV is also amazing, by the way!

  18. Been meaning to check out Amazon Prime music...sort of addicted to Pandora, though!

  19. I always forget about Amazon Prime Music!! Thanks for the reminder!

  20. Carlton.... Makes me laugh every time!! So funny!!! And prime music is so awesome!! I love it too!! Great post!


  21. I literally eat ALL OF THE FOOD in the summer - it's the worst! I'm choosing happy over skinny way too often lately, ha!

  22. I just recently got a Netflix account too. Totally loving it.. so many good shows to check out!


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