Thursday, July 16, 2015


- Continuing to majorly slack in the blog department. If you left a comment on Friday's post and it has not been responded to yet I am very sorry and I promise I will get to it soon! With the in-laws here this week my schedule has been even more off than it already was and I've been focusing on enjoying time with them in the evenings rather than being online.

Not that you're all waiting on the edge of your seats for my response or anything, but I try to always respond to every comment because it means a lot to me that you all read and comment on my babbling!

- Trying to decide what I should do for my one year blogiversary coming up in August. Has it really been almost a year?? Shut. up.

- Thinking I might need to cut down on my Bloglovin' follows. I always feel bad doing that but my feed is getting outta control and there are just some blogs I follow that I hardly ever or never read and I'm having a hard enough time keeping up with all of my daily reads!

- Really needing to finish planning Adam's half-birthday dinner like now, since it's coming up in about two weeks.

- Wishing Florida didn't have flesh-eating bacteria in the ocean so we could go swimming at the beach without feeling like we're risking our lives. I wish I was kidding. I realize it's not that common for people to actually contract it and die, but really, who wants to take a swim with some flesh-eating bacteria??

- Enjoying the Summer but already looking forward to cooler temps, long sleeves, boots, and pumpkin everything. I realize I live in Florida and we have at least two more months of Summer temps but let me dream.

- Honestly so ready to put the first half of this year behind me. It wasn't horrible or anything, just disappointing and frustrating in a lot of ways and I'm ready to move on.

- Looking forward to eating dinner tonight because my MIL is making her Rigatoni and OMGeeee it's so good!!
What are you up to these days?
Thoughts for Thursday


  1. Flesh eating bacteria - well that's fun said no one ever!!! Have a great rest of the week girl! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. I'm ready for cooler temps too although I don't want to wish time away...

  3. Family>blog, every time. As for those summer temperatures, mind sending them over my way? It's hovering around 20degC here and I'm still wearing tights to work. I could go full on boots and pumpkins but I'm still holding out for just a little bit of summer! Not the flesh eating bacteria though... that you can keep.

  4. flesh eating bacteria?!?! whhhat the what. id stay out of the water too. at least you have some good food to look forward to! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  5. The flesh eating bacteria sounds super scary! I was going to go to Florida this summer but had to cancel my trip. I was super bummed, but now I'm not as sad since I discovered the water is gross. But, the beach near me isn't good either. The news just told us that our ocean is pretty much like swimming in a dirty toilet. yay!

  6. Yay for the upcoming blogiversary!! Enjoying your MIL's cooking must be the best!

  7. Flesh eating bacteria??? No, no thanks. Not even a little!!! Don't feel bad about unfollowing people on Bloglovin! I went through my list earlier this year and deleted like half the people on there. If they dont have time for me, I dont have time for them. I dont even feel a little sorry. And ummm rigatoni??? I am coming over!

  8. I go through my list and weed people out constantly. You can always re-add if you miss them later on.

  9. Totally agree with you on the Bloglovin' thing....there are so many blogs out there I want to read and I've overwhelmed myself! Need to get back to those I really, really read. There is an option on Bloglovin to organize them so all your "faves" are in one folder...that helped me for awhile.

  10. I feel you on that ocean thing....we have the wrath of the shark up here...ughhhh! Eat up tonight, sounds delish!

  11. Oh gosh, flesh eating bacteria just gives me the shivers. I don't blame you for not wanting to swim! And I feel the same way about my Bloglovin' feed lately but I always feel SO MUCH guilt over unfollowing people - it's hard!

  12. Happy almost blogiversary! And I hear ya on the "spring cleanup" on Bloglovin. My feed is totally out of control too, and it's time to cut it down to a more manageable list.

    Happy Friday Eve :)

  13. Congrats on one year!! Love your blog :)

  14. Yay for your almost blogiversary!! One year is always so exciting and I think about when I hit the blogging blues, lol! My feed is out of control and I'm constantly arranging people into my favorites category, BUT I think they changed that too. Stop changing things Bloglovin'! Have a great weekend!

  15. I am the worst comment responder as well, I always get to them, but it def takes me a few days. It's crazy that your Blogiversary is coming up! My 2nd is in September - what have I been writing about this whole time!?


  16. Flesh eating bacteria? EEK! I feel you though - a kid around here recently died from a brain eating amoeba recently. The lake is 2 hours from where I live but I will forever remember that and never go in the lake. It's terrifying.

  17. i admit--i went swimming twice in FL this year. but no open wounds or i wouldn't have set foot in it. now i feel totally gross for going, hehe. i try to respond to comments but then get backed up. it always happens!

  18. no thanks to the flesh eating bacteria - how crazy is that?? also, rigatoni is always good, but even better when someone else makes it!!!


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