Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Confession Session

First of all, thank you for all of the sweet comments on my blogiversary post! You guys are the

And I prrrrromise I will be responding to everyone's comments as soon as I can! This week is kind of crazy for me so I may be kind of MIA, which I'm sure it breaks a cardinal rule of blogging to be MIA on the week of your blogiversary, but that's the way the cookie crumbles, my friends.

Now, I need to confess...

+ The other day I was in Target on my lunch break trying to look at something in the dollar section, and there were all of these kids in my way and I am thinking "Shouldn't all these children be in school now??" I think I have officially reached old lady status. #youthseverywhere

+ I have totally given up on trying to eat healthy for the next week or so. I have a plan to start fresh on my eating plan on a certain date (more on that later) and in the meantime I am pretty much eating all the bad food I can get my hands on. The problem is that it tastes great but eating like this I pretty much feel like crap ALL of the time. Darn you healthy eating making me realize how awful I feel when I eat crap food. I was blissfully ignorant before.

+ Has anyone ever cried at work because you are dealing with emotional crap (not work related) and then somebody comes by your desk and you have to suddenly pretend like you weren't crying and look normal, all the while knowing that your eyes are puffy and red and you probably have mascara running down your face? Yeah, me neither. #hormonesmuch? #i'mnotapsychoipromise

+ I really hate Facebook so very much (for a variety of reasons) but I still find myself scrolling through it absentmindedly anytime I'm bored or killing time and then I'm like WHY am I doing this to myself?? It has got to stop! #sendhelp

+ I knew I shouldn't have gotten a smartphone with all these new-fangled apps and jazz. I should have just kept my pink Razr from back in the day. Man, those things were cool.

+ We ran out of Scope mouthwash so I bought some Listerine to try since it was on sale. I got the green kind so I figured it would taste pretty much like Scope, only stronger. Yeah, no. It tastes like I gargled with a combination of Vick's VapoRub and a Eucalyptus plant, with maybe a *hint* of mint. And now I have a HUGE bottle of Listerine that I'm not sure what to do with. I mean I'll probably still use it because I can't just throw it away, I would feel guilty and super wasteful. 

That's all I've got today! Anything you need to get off your chest? I'm here, friends, I'm here. 

#Hashtaghumpday @ Life with Lolo

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  1. Haha Listerine does have that burn but it is usually the kind I buy. I just feel cleaner with it. I am sure it is all in my head! Sorry to hear you were crying at work. I have been there, it happens. I hope you have a great week!

  2. OMG I had the pink razr too! Love that phone! Umm...I'm with you on facebook which is why I deactivated last November. I havent come back yet and I'm not sure if and when I will. Sometimes I feel out of the loop but mostly its a time suck and it makes you feel bad about your good life because all these dummies out there are posting only the best parts of their lives. End rant...i could go on though. I need to start that diet with you...i'm outta control

  3. Sometimes I wish I had my pink razr from back in the day - when texting was a pain so you actually called! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  4. I've totally done the cry/work thing. Actually more recently it was me crying the whole drive to work and then trying to clean myself up as best as possible before walking in the door and trying not to lose it all over again. It's the worst! I also had a pink Razr! hahah those were the good ol' days. Remember T9 texting? Jeez I feel old compared to all these youths!

  5. haha I've never liked Listerine for that reason! It's way too strong. I feel the exact same way about Feedback. It literally makes me feel dizzy and annoyed scrolling but I haven't stopped torturing myself yet.

  6. Gotcha love the pink razr! Haha. I agree about Listerine-it's so strong!

  7. I think the same thing when I see kids in stores sometimes! I once said to my husband, "What are they doing here? Why aren't they in school?" Then I realized they are probably homeschooled or something.

  8. oh gosh i thought i was the only one who hated listerine. gross!
    i am so with you right now with the eating. i tried to eat well this week but then i didn't and now i have this big thing on saturday which will have lots of bad food and drink and i'm like screw it, i'll start next monday... and then i might as well start on the 1st of september lol.

  9. Haha I can totally hear Schmidt saying that - and I feel the same way when I'm at Target :-P

  10. Oh man, green listerine is so gross, but even worse is the brown one! We bought it because our dog trainer recommended it over Bitter Apple and I tried it and almost gagged. Scope is so much better!

  11. I deleted my facebook account a few years ago and haven't looked back. It's been great! It is totally a time suck hahha But I have to say, Instagram has since taken over.

  12. Haha we have so gotten off the healthy eating train – I think I’m waiting for fall – hopefully sooner. I'm with you on Facebook - I don't love it but can't stop scrolling through.

  13. I'm the same way about kids! Whenever I see them out and about I think "Why aren't they in school right now?" I should be some sort of truancy enforcement officer haha!

  14. HAHAH the listerine thing just made me laugh...that's not cool! Hope you have a good week :)

  15. YOUTHS! Schmidt is so right- they're everywhere! ;) I'm totally an old lady. Even though our neighbors are nice, they have 4 boys and they always have friends over so it'll be nice to not have a full on basketball game going on next door every time I get home haha!

  16. I'm starting to really hate Facebook, too.
    I had a pink Razr, too. We were bad asses.

  17. Haha you can send the Listerine over here because I'm the opposite - can't stand Scope! And I despise Facebook too but I can't stop. I've been thinking about deleting the app from my phone so I'm not wasting time on it!

  18. I've never been to your blog before but Faith from life with mrs g and the artist had you on her favorites link :) can't wait to read more!

  19. I have those same thoughts about kids ALL THE TIME!!!!
    I don't get it - I thought maybe since I moved to a new country kids just get to walk around and smoke (I thin I saw a 12yr old with a cigarette) whenever they feel like.
    Is it too old lady of me to tell the kids smoking is bad and they should be in school?
    Is it bad that I am afraid of what they would say back?

  20. I've been having thoughts like that about kids for years. I also felt like I dropped off the face of the blogging sphere after my blogiversary too, lol.

  21. Eating junk food is definitely a slippery slope I'm also on! It's so hard to resist all of the chocolates and bratwurst here... so I'm not resisting. I will hopefully shlep myself beck on the healthy eating train soon too!

  22. Oh, that Facebook struggle is so always annoys me, yet still sucks me in! xoxo B | The Sequin Notebook

  23. Girl, you crack me up! I am right there with ya on the Target thing, the crying at work ordeal, and the mouthwash scenario. I feel your pain! xoxo

  24. That Gollum gif seriously had me laughing so hard! I love it!! Your confessions are fantastic. I can't stand when I go somewhere when kids should be in school and yet there are kids everywhere! Ugh. I almost started crying at work this week from stress but I managed to stop myself because I didn't want to deal with all of my coworkers asking me what is wrong.

  25. I had a silver Razr until my contract expired and I learned I could get a touch screen for free. And all my friends were doing it. Peer pressure made me do it!

  26. I LOVED my pink Razr! However texting is now a little faster. Haha. And seriously, I feel like I'm eating 24/7 with this marathon training. I'm starving throughout the whole day even though I just ate 10 minutes ago....speaking of which...I really could go for Chipotle right about now. XD


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