Monday, August 17, 2015

Thank you + A Giveaway

Well, well. I have survived an entire year of blogging. One year ago on this day I wrote my very first post (Don't laugh). 185 posts later, this is probably the most successful I have ever been at keeping up with any journal-type thing with any amount of consistency.

 I started this thing not really knowing where it was headed, but I could not be more thankful for all of the wonderful ladies I have "met" and gotten to know through this experience!

What keeps me coming back to this space is most definitely you, my lovely readers.

So thank you to every single one of you who have read and left sweet comments and become my friends! I am so amazed and thankful that anyone cares to come to this space and read my words. I know my blog is nothing special, nothing mind-blowing or life-altering or even "pinnable" most of the time. But I love this little space, and I love that we can share our lives with each other.

So all that to say, I just wanted to do a little giveaway as a thank you! I wish I could throw a party and bake cupcakes and invite all of you! But I'll have to settle for giving away a Starbucks gift card. ::shrugs::

The giveaway will run for one week! Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

still being molly


  1. Happy one year! You're more ahead of the game than I am - my one year of actually being consistent of posting was last month and I dropped the ball and totally forgot lol. But so happy I've "met" you ;) haha

  2. Congrats on a year of blogging!! Just recently started following you and appreciate the chance to win this!

    1. Thank you so much for following! Good luck on the giveaway! :)

      Hey I don't know if you realize, but you're a no-reply blogger so I can't respond to your comment through email! :( Here's an easy fix!

  3. Congrats girl - it's a huge accomplishment! xo, biana - BlovedBoston

  4. YAY! Congrats on a whole year of blogging :) I'm glad to have "met" you in this giant bloggy world!

  5. Happy one year! I love that you started on my birthday :) Cheers to another fabulous year of blogging!

  6. happy blogiversary girl! your first post was way better than my first post hahaha. here's to many more years!

  7. Happy blogiversary!!! Have loved getting to know you!!!

  8. Happy 1 year, girlfriend!!!! Hope you stick with it for many more to come! :D

  9. Happy blogiversary!!! I'm so glad you joined the blogging world because I've loved getting to know you! Here's to many more!

  10. Happy 1 year!! So glad to have become a loyal follower!! Keep it up!

  11. I love starbucks! Happy blogiversary! :)

  12. YAY for you Julia, Happy Blogiversary! So excited to continue to watch your journey as a blogger. You're amazing for giving this away, crossing my fingers!

  13. Congrats on the blog anniversary! I'm looking forward to seeing you on here for a long while to come… Enjoy!

  14. Congratulations on this milestone, many more to come I'm sure!

  15. Happy Blogiversary gurlie! Love visiting this space every day <3

    P.S. Awesome giveaway! *fingers crossed*

  16. A cupcake does sound yummy right now! Congrats on your blog anniversary and thanks for the generous giveaway!

  17. Happy happy blogiversary!

  18. Happy blogiversary! Thank you for the chance to win.

  19. Happy blogiversary! I love reading your blog, and it has been so fun getting to know you through your blog! :)

  20. Um, you're the sweetest to be giving something away on your blogiversary! You should be accepting the gifts instead! Haha

  21. Congratulations on your first year! I tried blogging, but quickly realized I liked reading much more than writing. ;)

  22. Happy blogiversary! I keep trying to convince myself to start a blog but the farthest I've gotten is reading everyone else's! :)

  23. Happy 1 year blogiversary!!! 185 posts for your 1st year is incredible!
    ~ Kim Pincombe Cole

  24. Thanks for the opportunity and happy blogiversary:)

  25. Congrats on your blogiversary - such an exciting milestone!!!
    xoxo B | The Sequin Notebook

  26. Happy blogiversary - so exciting! Cheers to many more years!

  27. Congratulations, and thanks for hosting this giveaway!!

  28. Aw congrats on the first year! I love your voice, so I hope you stay for even more!

  29. Congratulations on your first year!!

  30. Thank you for this generous giveaway!

  31. Happy Blogiversary!! What an accomplishment and I agree the friends and readers keep me coming back and make blogging such a wonderful experience!!


Your comments make me smile! :) I'd love to hear from you!

I respond to every comment through email, so if you don't get a response make sure you're not a no-reply blogger!